
Our Policies

AGSK Services Private Limited TERMS OF USE These Website Terms of Use (hereinafter “TOU”) apply to each visitor of our websites, such as www.agskspl.com, or any other AGSK Services Private Limited website displaying these TOU (collectively, the “Sites“) operated by AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc. with registered office at 1115 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10010, USA its parent, affiliates, or subsidiaries (“AGSK Services Private Limited,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). Your use of the Sites is subject to these TOU and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Please read these TOU carefully and contact us with any questions. By accessing and/or using the Sites and the functionalities offered on it, you agree that you have read, understand, and agree to be legally bound by the TOU set forth below.  If you do not agree to be bound by these TOU, do not access or use the Sites.  In agreeing to these TOU, you are responsible for periodically checking for changes and/or updates to these TOU.  You can review the most current version of these TOU at any time on www.agskspl.com.  These TOU may be modified by us at any time. 1. Right to access and use the Sites AGSK Services Private Limited grants you a limited right to access and use the Sites under the conditions as set out in the TOU. As between AGSK Services Private Limited and you, title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Sites and any derivatives or modifications thereof, in whole or in part, remain with AGSK Services Private Limited. You understand that AGSK Services Private Limited may modify or discontinue the Sites or any of its features at any time in its sole discretion. The TOU does not entitle you to any support, upgrades, updates, add-ons patches, enhancements, or fixes for the Sites except in our sole discretion. You do not acquire any right, title, or interest in any content on the Sites by virtue of accessing the Sites or making use of the permitted uses allowed under these TOU.  No license to use or reproduce any logo or trademark included on the Sites is granted to you by these TOU or otherwise. The trademarks, logos, service marks, and business names displayed on the Sites are protected, whether or not they are registered. Any unauthorized use of content or information posted on the Sites and any unauthorized reproduction, retransmission or other use of any part of the Sites may infringe our or third parties’ copyrights, trademarks, privacy, publicity, or other rights.  This includes, without limitation, the use of automated systems or software to extract data from the Sites for commercial purposes (also known as screen scraping), unless where you have a written agreement with us particularly to this extent. 2. Privacy and use of cookies Any information you provide during access to and use of the Sites is governed by AGSK Services Private Limited’s Privacy Policy. By using the Sites, you agree to the collection, use, and sharing, if any, of your information as set forth in our Privacy Policy.  Any dispute over privacy is subject to the TOU and the Privacy Policy. In addition, we use cookies and other automated means of data collection on our Sites. Please read our Cookie Policy to understand how we use cookies and such other automated means on the Sites. 3. Limitations In connection with your use of the Sites, you will not, and will not allow any third party to: a) Link to or use the Sites in connection with any material that contains: Adult content, including nudity, sexual terms and/or images of people in positions or activities that are excessively suggestive or sexual; Obscene, defamatory, libelous, slanderous and/or unlawful content; Content that infringes upon the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary right, or that is deceptive or fraudulent; Inflammatory religious content; Politically religious agendas and/or any known associations with hate, criminal and/or terrorist activities; or Hate speech, whether directed at an individual or a group, and whether based upon the race, disability, sex, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or language of such individual or group. b) Remove, obscure, or change any copyright, trademark, hyperlink, or other proprietary rights notices contained within the Sites; c) Modify, adapt, disassemble, decompile, translate, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or structure, sequence, and organization of the Sites or any content contained therein; d) Use the Sites in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Sites, AGSK Services Private Limited, the third-party site, website, or application on which the Services are available, or any other person or entity; or e) Collect any information (including, without limitation, email addresses) about other visitors of the Sites; create or transmit unwanted electronic communications to other visitors of the Sites; or otherwise interfere with such visitors’ enjoyment of the Sites. Unless otherwise expressly authorized in these TOU or on the Sites, you may not take any action to interfere with the Sites or any other visitor’s use of the Sites.  You expressly agree that you will not copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly display or screen scrape any content from the Sites without our prior written consent.  You agree not to bypass any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Sites. You agree not to use the Sites for illegal purposes (including, without limitation, unlawful, harassing, libelous, invasion of another’s privacy, abusive, threatening, or obscene purposes). You agree that you will comply with all laws related to your use of the Sites. Where appropriate, for example in our contact form, you must use your own identity at all times and you must ensure that all information you provide is accurate and up to date to the best of your knowledge. Unless you have permission to do so (and can prove this), you must not use information about any other person. 4. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) Notice. We are committed to complying with U.S. copyright and related laws, and we require all users of the Services to comply with these laws.  Accordingly, our users (including you) may not disseminate any material or content using the Services in any manner that constitutes an infringement of third party intellectual property rights, including rights granted by U.S. copyright law. Owners of copyrighted works who believe that their rights under U.S. copyright law have been infringed may take advantage of certain provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (the “DMCA”) to report alleged infringements.  It is our policy in accordance with the DMCA and other applicable laws to reserve the right to terminate the rights of any user to access the Services if any such user is either found to infringe third party copyright or other intellectual property rights, including repeat infringers, or who we believe, in our sole discretion, are infringing these rights. Upon our receipt of a proper notice of claimed infringement under the DMCA, we will respond expeditiously to remove, or disable access to, the material claimed to be infringing and will follow the procedures specified in the DMCA to resolve the claim between the notifying party and the alleged infringer who provided the content in issue.  Our designated agent (i.e., the proper party) to whom you should address such notice is: support@agskspl.com If you believe that content that you or a third party owns has been used via the Services in a way that violates your or someone else’s copyright or other intellectual property rights, please provide us with the following information: an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest; a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed; a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located; your address, telephone number, and email address; a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law; and a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in your report is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner’s behalf. 5. Limitation on Liability Disclaimers ALL PROVISIONS SET OUT BELOW IN THIS SECTION 5 WILL APPLY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW. THE SITES, INCLUDING ALL CONTENT THEREIN, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND YOU SHALL USE THE SITES AT YOUR OWN RISK. AGSK Services Private Limited DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SITES, INCLUDING ALL CONTENT THEREIN, IN TERMS OF ITS CORRECTNESS, USEFULNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. AGSK Services Private Limited DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. AGSK Services Private Limited DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SITES OR CONTENT CONTAINED THEREIN OR THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SITES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE SITES OR THE SERVERS THAT MAKE SITES AVAILABLE ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. YOU (AND NOT AGSK Services Private Limited) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, AND CORRECTION OF ANY OF YOUR SYSTEMS. AGSK Services Private Limited EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SITES. IN NO EVENT SHALL AGSK Services Private Limited, ITS PARENT, ITS SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATED COMPANIES, OR EACH OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS (COLLECTIVELY, “RELEASED PARTIES”), BE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSSES COSTS, OR EXPENSES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RESULTING FROM  (I)  PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, (II)  ANY UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR USE OF THE SITES, (III)  ANY INTERRUPTION OR CESSATION OF TRANSMISSION TO, FROM, OR VIA THE SITES, (IV)  ANY BUGS, VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, OR THE LIKE, WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH THE SITES BY ANY THIRD PARTY, (V)  ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, INACCURACIES, OR OMISSIONS IN ANY CONTENT OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF ANY USE OF THE SITES, OR (VI)  OTHERWISE RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SITES. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, IF THE RELEASED PARTIES ARE FOUND TO BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS THAT ARISES OUT OF, OR IS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH, YOUR USE OF THE SITES OR ANY CONTENT CONTAINED THEREIN, RELEASED PARTIES’ LIABILITY SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED FIVE US DOLLARS (US $5.00). 6. Indemnity To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, you agree that you will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless AGSK Services Private Limited, its parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, each of the foregoing entities’ respective  employees, officers, directors, representatives and agents from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, losses, costs, and expenses in any way arising out of your use of the Sites in violation of these TOU, including without limitation (i) all matters related to your access to and use of any AGSK Services Private Limited online services, including, without limitation, your use of the Sites, (ii) your violation of any provision contained in the TOU; (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, intellectual property, or privacy right; (iv) any claims that your use of the Sites caused damage to a third party, and/or (v) violations of any and all applicable laws, rules, or regulations from any jurisdiction. 7. Links to Other Sites The Sites, including content therein, may contain links to third-party sites, websites, or applications. These links are provided as a convenience to you. AGSK Services Private Limited does not control and is not responsible for the content of such third-party sites, websites, or applications or the conduct of the operators of such third-party sites, websites, or applications, and does not make any representations regarding the accuracy, copyright or other statutory or regulatory compliance, legality, or decency of any of the content or other materials on such third-party sites, websites, or applications. AGSK Services Private Limited encourages you to exercise discretion while browsing the Internet. If you decide to access linked third-party sites, websites, or applications, you do so at your own risk.  Your use of all third-party sites, websites, or applications are subject to the applicable policies of those third parties. 8. Termination AGSK Services Private Limited reserves the right, at any time and in its sole discretion, to discontinue the use of the Sites in whole or in part, and prevent any person or entity from access to the Sites. Upon termination for any reason, Sections 5 (Limitation on Liability and Disclaimers), 6 (Indemnity) and 9 (General) will survive. 9. General The TOU and your use of the Sites shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, without regard to its conflict of laws principles, unless otherwise stated by mandatory laws. Any action shall be brought exclusively in the courts located in the county of New York, New York and you hereby consent to such jurisdiction and venue to the extent permitted by applicable law. In no event shall any claim, action, or proceeding by you related in any way to the Sites be instituted more than one (1) year after the cause of action arose.  If any provision of the TOU (or part of such provision) is found to be invalid or unenforceable by any court having competent jurisdiction, then that provision (or part of that provision) shall be deemed severable from the TOU and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions — that invalid or unenforceable (part of the) clause will be replaced by a valid and/or enforceable, as the case may be, (part of the) clause which is as close to the intention of the parties as possible. The failure of AGSK Services Private Limited to insist upon or enforce any of the provisions of these TOU, or to exercise any rights or remedies under these TOU, will not be construed as a waiver of AGSK Services Private Limited’s right to assert or rely upon any such provisions, rights, or remedies in that or any other instance; rather, the same will be and remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of these TOU shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term. These TOU, the Privacy Policy, and the Cookie Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and AGSK Services Private Limited with respect to the offering of our Sites to you. 10. Questions Should you have any questions regarding these TOU you may contact us at Support@agskspl.com or via the address as indicated in the header of these TOU.
AGSK Services Private Limited TERMS OF SERVICE These Terms of Service (“TOS”) apply to the content-delivery platforms, widgets, analytics tools, and other technical applications offered through third-party websites by AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc. with registered office at 1115 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10010, USA or its affiliates (“AGSK Services Private Limited,” “we,” “us,” or “our”), described further below and collectively referred to as the “Services.” 1. Description of the Services The Services consist of us offering a content discovery widget (“Widget”) that you may see on third-party websites of our publisher customers, who allow us to place our Widget on their websites or applications in order to redistribute their own content or to distribute the content of our advertiser customers (collectively, the “Customers“) to visitors of the publisher customer’s website based on what it believes the visitor would be most interested in reading or viewing. The availability of the Services on a third-party website or application does not necessarily indicate any relationship or affiliation between us and those sites. 2. Relevant documents 2.1 Terms of Service The Services are subject to these TOS and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. We invite you to read these TOS carefully and contact us with any questions you may have regarding the Services we offer. These TOS may be modified by us at any time. You can review the most current version of these TOS on our website, www.AGSK Services Private Limited.com, or by clicking on our “Sponsored Links by AGSK Services Private Limited” icon. We invite you to periodically check for changes and/or updates to these TOS. 2.2 Privacy and cookie policy The Services are partly offered based on the collection of information through cookies and other automated means of data collection. We want to be as transparent as possible and have described the ways in which we collect your information and make use of these cookies and other automated means of data collection in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, respectively. We encourage you to read these documents as they contain important information. 2.3 Third-party website policies Our Services are offered on third-party sites, websites, or applications and/or may link to content provided on those. These sites, websites, or applications will likely contain policies offered by the third parties concerned, such as terms of use, privacy policy, and other. We recommend you to read these policies as well but we note that we are in no way responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and lawfulness of these policies. We recommend you to contact the third party concerned should you have questions in relation to those policies. 3. Offering of the Services The Services are offered to you as a result of an agreement between us and our Customers. You understand that we may modify or discontinue the Services or any of its features at any time in our sole discretion without any responsibility or liability to you. Moreover, you are not entitled to any support, upgrades, updates, add-ons patches, enhancements, or fixes for the Services except in AGSK Services Private Limited’s sole discretion. 4. Rights in the Services As between AGSK Services Private Limited and you, title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Services and any derivatives or modifications thereof, in whole or in part, remain with AGSK Services Private Limited. You do not acquire any right, title, or interest in any content on the Services by virtue of accessing the Services or using them as permitted under these TOS. No license to use or reproduce any logo or trademark included on the Services is granted to you by these TOS or otherwise.  The trademarks, logos, service marks, and business names displayed on the Services are protected, whether or not they are registered.  Any unauthorized use of content or information posted on or through the Services and any unauthorized reproduction, retransmission, or other use of any part of the Services may infringe our, or third parties’ copyrights, trademarks, privacy, publicity, or other rights. To the extent technically possible, and without prejudice to the generality of other clauses in these TOS, you are explicitly prohibited to: remove, obscure, or change any copyright, trademark, hyperlink, or other proprietary rights notices contained within the Services; modify, adapt, disassemble, decompile, translate, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or structure, sequence, and organization of the Services or any content contained therein; impact the Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Services, AGSK Services Private Limited, the third-party website or application on which the Services are available, or any other person or entity; or collect any information (including, without limitation, email addresses) about other users of the Services or Customers; create or transmit unwanted electronic communications to other users of the Services or Customers; or otherwise interfere with such users’ or Customers’ enjoyment of the Services. Unless otherwise expressly authorized in these TOS or on the Services, you may not take any action to interfere with the Services or any other user’s enjoyment of the Services.  You expressly agree that you will not copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, or publicly display any content from the Services without our prior written consent.  You agree not to bypass any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Services. 5. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) Notice We are committed to complying with U.S. copyright and related laws, and we require all of our Customers who disseminate content through the Services to comply with these laws.  Accordingly, our users (including you) may not disseminate any material or content using the Services in any manner that constitutes an infringement of third-party intellectual property rights, including rights granted by U.S. copyright law.  Owners of copyrighted works who believe that their rights under U.S. copyright law have been infringed may take advantage of certain provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (the “DMCA”) to report alleged infringements.  It is our policy in accordance with the DMCA and other applicable laws to reserve the right to terminate the rights of any user to access the Services if any such user is either found to infringe third-party copyright or other intellectual property rights, including repeat infringers, or who we believe, in our sole discretion, are infringing these rights. Upon our receipt of a proper notice of claimed infringement under the DMCA, we will respond expeditiously to remove, or disable access to, the material claimed to be infringing and will follow the procedures specified in the DMCA to resolve the claim between the notifying party and the alleged infringer who provided the content in issue.  Our designated agent (i.e., the proper party) to whom you should address such notice is: support@agskspl.com If you believe that content that you or a third party owns has been used via the Services in a way that violates your or someone else’s copyright or other intellectual property rights, please provide us with the following information: an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest; a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed; a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located; your address, telephone number, and email address; a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law; and a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in your report is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner’s behalf. 6. Limitation on Liability and Disclaimers ALL PROVISIONS SET OUT BELOW IN THIS SECTION 6 WILL APPLY TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE PURSUANT TO APPLICABLE LAW. THE SERVICES, INCLUDING ALL CONTENT THEREIN, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. AGSK Services Private Limited DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE RESULTS OF THE SERVICES, INCLUDING ALL CONTENT THEREIN, IN TERMS OF ITS CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. AGSK Services Private Limited DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. AGSK Services Private Limited DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN OR PROVIDED THROUGH THE SERVICES. AGSK Services Private Limited DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SERVICES OR SERVICES’ CONTENT OR THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE SERVICES OR THE SERVERS THAT MAKE THEM AVAILABLE ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. YOU (AND NOT AGSK Services Private Limited) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, AND CORRECTION OF ANY OF YOUR SYSTEMS. AGSK Services Private Limited EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SERVICES. IN NO EVENT SHALL AGSK Services Private Limited, ITS PARENT OR ITS SUBSIDIARY OR AFFILIATED COMPANIES, OR EACH OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS (COLLECTIVELY, “RELEASED PARTIES”), BE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSSES, COSTS, OR EXPENSES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RESULTING FROM  (I)  PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, (II)  ANY UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR USE OF THE SERVICES, (III)  ANY INTERRUPTION OR CESSATION OF TRANSMISSION TO, FROM OR VIA THE SERVICES, (IV)  ANY BUGS, VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, OR THE LIKE, WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH THE SERVICES BY ANY THIRD PARTY, (V)  ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, INACCURACIES OR OMISSIONS IN ANY CONTENT OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF ANY USE OF THE SERVICES OR, (VI)  OTHERWISE RESULTING FORM THE USE OF THE SERVICES. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, IF THE RELEASED PARTIES ARE FOUND TO BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS WHICH ARISES OUT OF OR IS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH YOUR USE OF THE SERVICES OR ANY CONTENT CONTAINED THEREIN, RELEASED PARTIES’ LIABILITY SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED FIVE US DOLLARS (US $5.00). 7. Indemnity To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, you agree that you will defend, indemnify and hold harmless AGSK Services Private Limited, its parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, each of the foregoing entities’ respective  employees, officers, directors, representatives and agents from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, losses, costs, and expenses in any way arising out of your actions or omissions to act including without limitation (i)  your violation of any provision contained in the TOS; (ii)  your violation of any third-party right, including without limitation any copyright, intellectual property, or privacy right, and/or (iii)  violations of any and all applicable laws, rules or regulations from any jurisdiction. 8. Links to Other Sites The Services, including content therein, may contain links to third-party sites, websites, or applications or may be available on third-party sites, websites, or applications. These links are provided as a convenience to you. AGSK Services Private Limited does not control and is not responsible for the content of such third-party websites or the conduct of the operators of such third-party websites, and does not make any representations regarding the accuracy, copyright, or other statutory or regulatory compliance, legality or decency of any of the content or other materials on such third-party websites. AGSK Services Private Limited encourages you to exercise discretion while browsing the Internet. If you decide to access linked third-party sites, websites, or applications, you do so at your own risk. 9. Termination AGSK Services Private Limited reserves the right, at any time and in its sole discretion, to discontinue offering the Services in whole or in part and/or to restrict the offering of the Services to certain geographical regions, persons, or other predefined categories. In each event, even in case of discontinuance, Sections 6 (Limitation on Liability and Disclaimers), 7 (Indemnity) and 10 (General) will survive. 10. General These TOS shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, without regard to its conflict of laws principles, unless otherwise stated by mandatory laws. Any action shall be brought exclusively in the courts located in the county of New York, New York and you hereby consent to such jurisdiction and venue to the extent permitted by applicable law. In no event shall any claim, action, or proceeding by you related in any way to the Services be instituted more than one (1) year after the cause of action arose.  If any provision of the TOS (or part of such provision) is found to be invalid or unenforceable by any court having competent jurisdiction, then that provision (or part of that provision) shall be deemed severable from the TOS and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions — that invalid or unenforceable (part of the) clause will be replaced by a valid and/or enforceable, as the case may be, (part of the) clause which is as close to the original intention of the parties as possible. The failure of AGSK Services Private Limited to insist upon or enforce any of the provisions of these TOS, or to exercise any rights or remedies under these TOS, will not be construed as a waiver of AGSK Services Private Limited’s right to assert or rely upon any such provisions, rights, or remedies in that or any other instance; rather, the same will be and remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of these TOS shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term. These TOS, the Privacy Policy, and the Cookie Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and AGSK Services Private Limited with respect to the offering of our Services to you.
AGSK Services Private Limited PRIVACY POLICY Last Update: July 3rd, 2024 For AGSK Services Private Limited’s opt-out status options, please click here. For AGSK Services Private Limited’s region-specific notices, please visit the applicable notice for individuals in Brazil, California and additional U.S. states, Europe (including the United Kingdom), China, or Thailand. Privacy Self-Regulation: AGSK Services Private Limited is dedicated to providing Internet users the highest level of transparency and control over the use of their data in online advertising. In support of this, we adhere to the: Self-Regulatory Principles set forth by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), the Digital Advertising Alliance Canada (DAAC), and the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA); Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA), the IAB Europe OBA Framework. AGSK Services Private Limited participates in the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework and complies with its Specifications and Policies as vendor number 42; and the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) Code of Conduct for Web and Mobile. AGSK Services Private Limited is a proud member of the NAI, an association dedicated to responsible data collection use in digital advertising. AGSK Services Private Limited also maintains an externally-facing Trust Center, which is available for your reference. To update your AdChoices Opt Out settings, select your region here: US, Canada, or Europe (including the United Kingdom); and to manage all NAI member sites’ settings, click here. Privacy Policy: AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc., together with its Affiliates, (“AGSK Services Private Limited”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), recognize the importance of your privacy. In this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) we describe how we collect, process, use, and disclose information that we obtain through the following contexts: our website, www.agskspl.com and any AGSK Services Private Limited website displaying this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Sites”); our content-discovery platforms, feeds, widgets, analytics tools, and other technical applications that we provide on third-party websites (collectively, the “Content Discovery Platform”); and the AGSK Services Private Limited News suite of content-discovery tools available on mobile devices and operating systems (including the Start line of products, collectively “AGSK Services Private Limited News”) (together with the Content Discovery Platform, the “Services”). When you visit the Sites, or use or interact with any of our Services, we will collect information from or about you or your device, which may include personal information or personal data as defined by applicable privacy laws (“Personal Information” or “Personal Data“) (collectively, the “Information”), and this Information will be handled as described in this Privacy Policy. We may use Information collected through the Sites and Services in various ways, depending on whether you are: (i) a publisher, advertiser, or other content provider that has a contractual relationship, with AGSK Services Private Limited (a “Customer“); (ii) a visitor to our Customers’ websites and digital properties who interacts with our Services (a “User“); or (iii) a visitor to the AGSK Services Private Limited Sites (a “Site Visitor“), which may include Customers and prospective customers. Therefore, this Privacy Policy outlines specific provisions for each of these categories in Sections 1 – 3, and outlines provisions that apply to all three categories in Section 4 below. For more information about how we use cookies on the Sites and when providing our Services, please refer to our Cookie Policy. 1. Customers 1.1 Information We Collect from Customers (“Customer Information”) We collect Customer Information directly from our Customers in the following ways: Sites: We will collect a Customer’s contact details when a Customer enters a contractual relationship with AGSK Services Private Limited and we will collect a username and password when a Customer creates an account on any of our Sites. When a Customer sends us an email asking a question, or signs up to receive our email newsletters, we will collect the Information that the Customer submits to us. We will also collect other Information that Customers choose to provide to us, such as the contents of a message or form that a Customer submits through our Sites or via email. We may also collect Information from prospective customers through publicly-available sources. Services: When a Customer signs up to use our Services or uses AGSK Services Private Limited’s analytics dashboard “AGSK Services Private Limited Ads,” we collect Information such as the Customer’s name, email address, telephone number, payment card information, billing information, and any other Information the Customer may choose to provide to us on the platform. We may also work with third party vendors to process payments to or from our Customers on our behalf. These vendors currently include Stripe and Payoneer, but are subject to change at any time. We do not have access to the Information that you provide to these third parties, and we encourage you to visit their privacy policies to understand their practices. 1.2 Why We Use Customer Information We use Customer Information for the following purposes: Providing our Services. We use Customer Information to provide our Sites and Services and for other customer service purposes in relation to Customer accounts. Communicating with you about your AGSK Services Private Limited Partnership. We use Customer Information to communicate, via email or otherwise, about Customers’ accounts; to contact Customers about AGSK Services Private Limited’s products or services that we think may interest you; to respond to Customer inquiries, requests, or complaints; and to provide Customers with product updates, news, best practices, and other helpful or interesting information that can enhance your use of AGSK Services Private Limited’s Services, in accordance with their communications preferences. When we communicate in this way, our emails may deploy a cookie that tracks when the emails are opened to measure Customer engagement. For more information about cookies, please see our Cookie Policy. Marketing and advertising. We use Customer Information to provide Customers with newsletters, special offers, and promotions, including via email; and for other marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes, including general updates about AGSK Services Private Limited. These communications will be sent in accordance with our Customers’ communications preferences. 1.3 To Whom We Disclose Customer Information We may disclose Customer Information as follows: AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates. We may disclose Customer Information to any of AGSK Services Private Limited’s current or future affiliates (affiliates are companies controlling, controlled by, or under common control with us, including, for example, AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd., AGSK Services Private Limited Europe Limited, AGSK Services Private Limited (Thailand) Limited, and AGSK Services Private Limited Brasil Internet Ltda., referred to herein as “Affiliates”), parent companies, or subsidiaries to process for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. AGSK Services Private Limited service providers. We may disclose Customer Information to vendors, service providers, agents, contractors, or others who perform functions (e.g., maintenance, data analysis, customer relationship management, email marketing, surveys, credit card processing, data hosting, fraud detection) on our behalf. Customers. We may disclose Customer Information to other Customers where relevant to the Service we provide. For example, we may provide publishers with information about what advertisers may appear on their network or advertisers with information about which publisher websites their campaigns have appeared on. 1.4 Customer Choices Customers may access, correct, delete, or update the Information that they have provided to us by either updating the Information in their account, by emailing their dedicated account manager, or by emailing us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. We may send periodic promotional or informational emails to Customers in accordance with their communications preferences. At any time, Customers may opt out of such communications by following the opt-out instructions contained in the email. Please note that it may take up to ten (10) business days for us to process opt-out requests. If you opt out of receiving marketing and advertising emails from AGSK Services Private Limited, we will still send you emails about your account and any Services that you have requested or received from us. 2. Users 2.1 Information We Collect from Users (“User Information”) We automatically collect User Information when Users interact with our Services that appear on our Customers’ websites and digital properties. Like most other web-based services, we collect this User Information through cookies and other technologies. AGSK Services Private Limited collects only pseudonymized data, which means we do not know who you are because we do not know or process your name, email address, or other identifiable data. User Information that we collect includes, but is not limited to the following: Content Discovery Platform: We collect Information about a User’s device and operating system, IP address, the web pages accessed by Users within our Customers’ websites, the link that led a User to a Customer’s website, the dates and times a User accesses a Customers’ website, event information (e.g., system crashes), Information about the interactions with advertisements and Customers’ Services (e.g., availability, visibility, and clicks), general location information (e.g., city and state), hashed email addresses (when made available by the User), and gender (when made available by the User). We ask our Customers to obtain consent on our behalf, where required by applicable data protection laws, for us to collect this User Information. We may also obtain Information about you from our data partners. AGSK Services Private Limited News: We collect in-app User behaviors (e.g. online status, browsing activity, and clicks) and implicit non-precise device location inferred from search queries (when enabled by the User) and SIM cards or IP addresses. For more information about how we use cookies and other technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy. 2.2 Why We Use User Information We use User Information for the following purposes: Providing and Improving our Service. We may use User Information to provide and improve our Services to Users and our Customers. Tailoring content. We may use User Information to tailor the content and information that we may send or display to Users; to retarget content to Users through our Services and elsewhere; and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using our Services. For more information about how we tailor our content see information below about our Interest Based Advertising. Tailoring content across multiple devices. We may use User Information to improve a unique User’s experience across multiple browsers and devices (such as smartphones, tablets, or other viewing devices) by providing better targeted ad campaigns to that User. For instance, should we recognize a User on a web browser, we may want to provide that User similar or personalized content on mobile apps, as well. To do this, we identify unique Users across devices, or we may sync cookies and identifiers with our service providers or Customers that do this, to help our Customers enhance their own data and data segments, or to help them target the right audience. Offering our Customers data segments that help target content and advertisements for topics, products, and services that may interest you. A data segment is a grouping of users who share one or more attributes (e.g., travel enthusiasts). We offer a number of data segments, both proprietary and from our data partners, to our Customers so that they may better target Users who are more likely to be interested in their content and advertisements. AGSK Services Private Limited does not knowingly create segments that are based upon what we consider to be sensitive information (for example, Personal Data revealing your racial or ethnic origin or your religious affiliations, or Personal Data concerning your sensitive health information, sex life or sexual orientation, or genetic or biometric data). In connection with our Services, our Customers may use these standard health-related segments about non-sensitive conditions such as an inferred interest in health and wellness or over the counter medications. In addition, AGSK Services Private Limited offers our Customers standard political-related segments that may indicate general political sentiment, interest in specific political issues, and political party affiliation. 2.3 To Whom We Disclose User Information We may disclose User Information as follows: AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates. We may disclose User Information to any current or future Affiliates, parent companies, or subsidiaries to process for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. AGSK Services Private Limited service providers. We may disclose User Information to vendors, service providers, agents, contractors, or others who perform functions (e.g., maintenance, data analysis, customer relationship management, email marketing, surveys, credit card processing, data hosting, or fraud detection) on our behalf. Unaffiliated third parties. We may disclose User Information to other unaffiliated third parties, specifically with (i) our data partners, so that we can connect you with relevant content by allowing our advertisers to target specific audience segments, and (ii) our programmatic demand and supply partners, so that we can serve you with tailored advertisements. Customers. We may disclose User Information to Customers where relevant to the Service we provide those Customers. For example, we may provide publishers with information about the viewing and click-through patterns of the content they publish and may provide advertisers with information about conversion rates for analytics purposes. 2.4 User Choices You have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited provide you with access to the Personal Data we hold about you, correct your Personal Data, delete your Personal Data, and cease or restrict processing of your Personal Data, and opt-out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Data. Please visit our Global AGSK Services Private Limited Data Subject Access Request Portal available here. To opt out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Data, please click the U.S. State Consumer Rights Portal available here. 2.5 Interest-Based Advertising Through our Services, including our Services on Customer websites, we may provide advertisements to you based on your recent browsing behavior across different Customer websites, browsers, or devices. For example, if on a first online visit, you browse on website A, then on a subsequent visit to website B, you may see content personalized based on your browsing history on website A. For example, if a user visits a clothing retail site, she might see clothing-related ads on another site she visits. In order to target advertisements to you for products and services that may interest you, we may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), HTML5 local storage, and other technologies. For more information about how we use these technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy. We may also work with third parties such as ad networks, which are third parties that display advertisements based on your visits to websites that you have visited in the past. These advertisers will deliver you targeted advertisements for products and services that may interest you. Third-party ad networks, our advertiser Customers (and their content providers and agents), and/or traffic measurement services may also use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), Flash LSOs, and other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you. These third-party cookies and other technologies are governed by each third party’s specific privacy policy, not this one. If you have questions about our collection and use of data for interest-based advertising purposes, please contact us at: support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 2.6 Opting Out AGSK Services Private Limited supports initiatives to offer our Users greater transparency and control over the uses of their Information. Therefore, we offer the following options for controlling the interest-based content and ads you receive. If you do not want to receive interest-based ads from AGSK Services Private Limited, you can disable the display of such ads by clicking on the opt-out link below. Please note that an opt out will not prevent you from seeing AGSK Services Private Limited’s content recommendations. Rather, the opt out will prevent AGSK Services Private Limited from using your Information to tailor these recommendations to your interests. You will continue to receive recommendations that are selected based on the particular website that you are viewing (i.e., contextually based ads). You are currently: Not Opted Out Opt Out  oNot Opted Out: AGSK Services Private Limited will serve you personalized recommendations based on your history. oOpted Out: You have opted out of tracking, AGSK Services Private Limited will no longer serve you with personalized content recommendations based on your Internet use history. Because our tracking mechanisms operate at the device and browser level, to fully opt-out across devices, you will need to do so on each device and browser individually. If your browsers are configured to reject cookies, your opt-out may not be effective, since we identify your choice to opt-out based on an opt-out cookie we deliver to you. In this case, you will need to confirm that your browser is configured properly in order for the opt-out to be effective. If you are using a Safari browser on iOS11 or macOS High Sierra, you must first adjust your Privacy and Security Settings to turn off both “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” and “Block All Cookies”, and then return to this privacy policy or your preferred opt out platform to reset your opt out preferences. AGSK Services Private Limited may use non-cookie technologies in limited cases. Like cookies, these technologies allow AGSK Services Private Limited to recommend ads that are tailored to your interests and to remember whether you have chosen to opt-out from our Services. Please note that some web browsers may not permit you to block the use of non-cookie technologies, but you can do so by simply clicking on the Opt Out feature above in this Section 2.6. You can also opt-out of receiving targeted ads served by AGSK Services Private Limited and other advertising companies. oYou may use the NAI opt out tool, which will allow you to opt out of receiving targeted ads from AGSK Services Private Limited and from other NAI-approved member companies. The NAI also provides instructions to engage system-level mobile device opt outs in Android, iOS, and Windows Phone environments. oYou may also visit one of the Digital Advertising Alliance affiliate websites to learn more about User choices and opting out of interest-based advertising displayed by the many member companies. Users in the United States may visit the DAA consumer choice page at www.aboutads.info/choices Users in Canada may visit the DAAC consumer choice page at www.youradchoices.ca/choices Users in Europe (including the United Kingdom) may visit the EDAA consumer choice page at www.youronlinechoices.eu oYou can also opt out of the use of your email address for targeted ads through Audience Matched Advertising or AMA by AGSK Services Private Limited and other advertising companies through the NAI Audience Matched Advertising Opt Out (Beta). Please note that an opt out from one or more companies listed on the DAA, DAAC, or EDAA consumer choice pages will not prevent you from seeing those companies’ advertisements. Rather, the opt out will prevent these companies from using your Information to display targeted content or ads to you. You may continue to receive advertisements that are selected based on the particular website that you are viewing (i.e., contextually based ads). Also, if your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you visit the DAA, DAAC or EDAA consumer choice pages, your opt out may not be effective because your browser will refuse opt-out cookies (that alert companies that you have exercised your opt-out preference). 2.7 Data Retention We retain User Information, which is directly collected for purposes of serving ads, for at most thirteen (13) months from the User’s last interaction with our Services (often for a shorter period of time), after which time we de-identify the data by removing unique identifiers or aggregating the data. We retain deidentified or aggregated data, which cannot identify an individual or device and is used for purposes of reporting and analysis, for as long as commercially necessary. We keep opt-out information for longer than this period so that we can continue to honor your opt-out requests. 2.8 Children We do not knowingly collect any data or target any advertisements on websites directed to children under the age of sixteen (16). If you are the parent or guardian of a child under the age of sixteen (16) and have a concern regarding the Information we collect, please contact us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 3. Site Visitors 3.1 Information We Collect from Site Visitors AGSK Services Private Limited collects Site Visitor Information either directly from you or from third parties that collect this Information during your use of our Sites. We may combine all the Information that we collect from various sources. Information we collect directly from you. We may collect Site Visitor Information directly from you. For example, when you send us an email asking a question, or submit a form on our Sites to receive marketing materials or email newsletters, we will collect the Information that you submit to us. We may also collect any other Information that you choose to provide to us, such as the contents of a message that you submit through our Sites. Information we collect from third parties. We may collect Site Visitor Information about you from third parties that collect information on our behalf through your use of the Site, such as web analytics companies. Such information may include, without limitation, information about your operating system, IP address, settings and system configurations, device model, device ID and other unique device identifiers, mobile related information, the web pages you access within our Sites, the website that led you to our Sites, the website to which you go after leaving our Sites, the dates and times that you access our Sites, event information (e.g., system crashes) and web log data. For more information about how we use cookies and other technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy. 3.2 Why We Use Site Visitor Information We use your Site Visitor Information for the following purposes: Providing our Service. We use Site Visitor Information to provide and manage our Sites and Services. Tailoring content. We use Site Visitor Information to tailor the content and information that we send or display to you on our Sites, and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using our Sites. Communicating with you. We use Site Visitor Information to communicate with you, including via email, about our Services; to respond to your inquiries via our website request forms; and to answer any questions or complaints you submit; to provide you with news, best practices or other information that we think may interest you. Marketing and advertising. We use Site Visitor Information to provide you with newsletters, special offers, and promotions, including via email; to contact you about products or services we think may interest you; and for other marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes. These communications will be sent in accordance with your communications preferences. Analyzing use of our Sites. We use Site Visitor Information to better understand how individuals access and use our Sites, both on an aggregated and individualized basis; to honor their requests and preferences; and for other research, analytical or statistical purposes. 3.3 To Whom We Disclose Site Visitor Information We may disclose Site Visitor Information as follows: AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates. We may disclose Site Visitor Information to any current or future Affiliates, parent companies, or subsidiaries to process for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. AGSK Services Private Limited service providers. We may disclose Site Visitor Information to vendors, service providers, agents, contractors, or others who perform functions (e.g., maintenance, data analysis, customer relationship management, email marketing, surveys, credit card processing, data hosting, fraud detection) on our behalf. 3.4 Third-Party Online Advertising To understand your interests and deliver advertisements that are tailored to your interests, we may work with service providers or third parties that use their own cookies, web beacons, and other technologies to collect Information about Site Visitors’ online activities, either on our Sites and/or other websites across the Internet  (“AGSK Services Private Limited Ad Partners”). These AGSK Services Private Limited Ad Partners include advertisers and ad networks that may collect Information about when you view or interact with one of their advertisements and may collect information regarding your activities on our Sites and your online activities over time and across different websites. Like most advertisers, AGSK Services Private Limited works to place our advertisements where we think they will be most interesting and relevant to the recipient. One way we do this is by allowing ad networks to place their own cookies when an individual visits our Sites. This enables the ad network to recognize individuals who have previously visited the AGSK Services Private Limited Sites. Then, if the ad network has purchased ad space on a third-party website, and recognizes that same individual visiting that third-party website, the ad network can deliver a AGSK Services Private Limited advertisement, knowing that this individual has already expressed interest in AGSK Services Private Limited by visiting the AGSK Services Private Limited Sites. To learn more about third parties who collect Site Visitor Information, please review our Cookie Policy. 3.5 Site Visitor Choices Site Visitors may opt out of the AGSK Services Private Limited Ad Partners that collect information on the Sites to serve ads about AGSK Services Private Limited. (Some U.S. Site Visitors may exercise their options directly with AGSK Services Private Limited, as outlined below in Section 5.2.1 and Section 5.3.1). By visiting one of the Digital Advertising Alliance affiliate websites, you can learn more about User choices and opting out of interest-based advertising displayed by the many member companies. Users in the United States may visit the DAA consumer choice page at www.aboutads.info/choices Users in Canada may visit the DAAC consumer choice page at www.youradchoices.ca/choices Users in Europe (including the United Kingdom) may visit the EDAA consumer choice page at www.youronlinechoices.eu Please note that an opt out from one or more companies listed on the DAA, DAAC, or EDAA consumer choice pages will not prevent you from seeing those companies’ advertisements. Rather, the opt out will prevent these companies from using your Information to display targeted content or ads to you. You may continue to receive advertisements that are selected based on the particular website that you are viewing (i.e., contextually based ads). Also, if your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you visit the DAA, DAAC or EDAA consumer choice pages, your opt out may not be effective because your browser will refuse opt-out cookies (that alert companies that you have exercised your opt-out preference). For Site Visitors who have subscribed to receive emails from us, you can manage your subscription by clicking your unique link that appears at the bottom of each of these emails. 4. General Provisions Applicable to Customers, Users, and Site Visitors 4.1 Why We Use Your Information We use the Information that we collect from Customers, Users, and Site Visitors for the purposes respectively set forth in Sections 1-3 above, as well as for the following purposes: Analyzing use of our Services. We use the Information that we collect to better understand how Customers, Users, and Site Visitors access and use our Site and Services, both on an aggregated and individualized basis; to respond to Customers’, Users’, and Site Visitors’ requests and preferences; and for other research, analytical, and statistical purposes. Legal compliance. We use the Information that we collect to comply with applicable legal obligations, including requests from law enforcement or other governmental entities. Protecting our rights and interests. We use the Information that we collect to protect our rights and interests and the rights and interests of our Customers, Users, Site Visitors, and the general public, as well as to enforce this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. 4.2 Disclosing Your Information When we share your Information with third parties as specified above, we require such recipients to agree to only use the Information we share with them in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our contractual specifications and for no other purpose than those determined by us in line with this Privacy Policy. In addition to the disclosures detailed above, we may also disclose Information for the following purposes: Business transfers. We reserve the right to disclose and/or transfer Information to another entity if we are acquired by or merged with another company, if we sell or transfer a business unit or assets to another company, if we undergo a bankruptcy proceeding, or if we engage in any other similar business transfer. Legal compliance. We may disclose Information in order to comply with the law, regulation, a judicial proceeding, subpoena, court order, or other legal process. Protecting rights and interests. We may disclose Information where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person, violations of our Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy, or as evidence in litigation in which we are involved. Aggregate and de-identified Information. We may disclose to our Customers and other third parties aggregated or de-identified information about users for marketing, advertising, research, or other purposes. 4.3 Cookies and Other Tracking Mechanisms For more information about how we use cookies and other tracking mechanisms on the Sites and when providing our Services, please refer to our Cookie Policy. You may disable certain tracking as discussed in our Cookie Policy (e.g., by disabling cookies). 4.4 Third-Party Links Our Sites and Services may contain links to our third-party partners’ websites. Any access to and use of such linked websites is not governed by this Privacy Policy but instead is governed by the privacy policies of those third-party websites. We are not responsible for the information security nor privacy practices of such third-party websites. For example, our Sites include features from third-party social networking platforms, such as the Facebook “Like” button. These features may collect certain information, such as your IP address or the page you are visiting on our Sites, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or directly on our Sites. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing such features. As another example, our Services link to Customer websites, which are also not governed by this Privacy Policy but by the applicable Customers’ privacy policy. 4.5 Security We value the security of your Information, including, but not limited to, the Information collected via the Sites or Services. AGSK Services Private Limited is ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 certified and we have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the Information we collect about you from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, destruction, and any other form of unauthorized processing. Please be aware, however, that no data security measures can guarantee 100% security. 4.6 International Data Transfers We may transfer your Information outside the country in which it is collected, including to a country that may not offer the same level of protection for Information as the country in which you reside. Rest assured, however, that AGSK Services Private Limited has arranged all contractual safeguards to ensure your Information is processed in a way that offers an adequate level of protection when it is shared between or among AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates, subsidiaries, and/or parent companies. If you would like to learn more about EEA/UK Data Transfers, specifically, see Section 5.1.4 below. If you would like to learn more about Thailand Data Transfers, specifically, see Section 5.3.4 below. 5. Regional Privacy Rights 5.1 Notice to Individuals within the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or United Kingdom ("UK") 5.1.1 Data Controller and Representative If you reside in the EEA or UK, AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd. will be the controller of your Personal Data provided to, collected by or for, or processed by AGSK Services Private Limited in connection with our Services. AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd. can be contacted at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. Our representative in the European Union is Lionheart Squared (Europe) Ltd., 2 Pembroke House, Upper Pembroke Street 28-32, Dublin, D02 EK84 Ireland. Our representative in the UK is AGSK Services Private Limited Europe Limited, Aldgate House, 2nd Floor, 33 Aldgate High Street, London EC3N 1DL, United Kingdom. 5.1.2 Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data If you are a Customer, Site Visitor, or User from the EEA or UK, our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Data described above (also referred to in this Section 5.1 as “EEA/UK Data”) will depend on the Personal Data concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect Personal Data from you only (i) where we have your consent to do so, (ii) where we need the Personal Data to perform a contract with you, or (iii) where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect Personal Data from you or may otherwise need the Personal Data to protect your vital interests or those of another person. If we ask you to provide Personal Data to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your Personal Data is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your Personal Data). Similarly, if we collect and use your Personal Data in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are. If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your Personal Data, including if you would like to better understand how our legitimate interests to process your data are balanced against your data protection rights and freedoms, please contact us as specified in Section 6 below. 5.1.3 Your Rights to Your Information You have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with access to the Personal Data we hold about you, (ii) correct your Personal Data, (iii) export your Personal Data, (iv) delete your Personal Data, and (v) cease or restrict processing of your Personal Data. If you are a User and would like to understand what Personal Data and behavioral information AGSK Services Private Limited holds about you, specifically, and how you can exercise any of your rights with respect to your Personal Data, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. Customers may also submit a data subject access request by emailing us at privacy@AGSK Services Private Limited.com so that AGSK Services Private Limited may either respond with the relevant information or, if applicable, direct this request to, and cooperate with, your employer to respond. You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your Personal Data. To learn more, please contact your local data protection authority, via the contact methods available here. However, if you have any questions about our collection and use of your Personal Data, please first contact us at privacy@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you are unable to obtain the information or resolution that you seek, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.1.4 EEA/UK Data Transfers As part of AGSK Services Private Limited’s global operations, our data flows among the EEA, the UK, Israel, the United States, Singapore and Hong Kong, and AGSK Services Private Limited stores Customer, User, and Visitor information in our data centers located in Israel and the United States. When AGSK Services Private Limited transfers EEA/UK Data to AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd. in Israel, it relies (as applicable) on (i) the European Commission’s decision, and (ii) UK adequacy regulations that Israel provides a level of data protection that is adequate for EEA/UK Data. These allow the free transfer of EEA/UK Data to Israel without the need for additional data transfer mechanisms. Similarly, when AGSK Services Private Limited transfers any personal data from the EEA to AGSK Services Private Limited Europe Limited in the United Kingdom, it relies on the European Commission’s decision that the UK provides a level of data protection that is adequate for personal data from the EEA. Beyond that, when AGSK Services Private Limited transfers EEA/UK Data to other countries then, if those countries do not have a European Commission adequacy finding and are not the subject of UK adequacy regulations (as applicable), AGSK Services Private Limited implements Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission and/or competent UK authorities (as applicable) to protect the transferred data. The Standard Contractual Clauses are contractual privacy and security commitments that are entered between companies that transfer personal data outside of the EEA. In particular, non-EEA/UK AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates, like AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc. in the United States, have accordingly adopted Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure the legality, privacy, and security of the data flows necessary to provide, maintain, and develop our services. 5.2 Notice to Individuals in the State of California 5.2.1 Your Rights to Your Personal Information California residents have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with what Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited has collected about you, including the categories of Personal Information, the categories of sources from which the Personal Information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing Personal Information, the categories of third parties to whom AGSK Services Private Limited discloses Personal Information, and the specific pieces of Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited has collected about you, (ii) correct your Personal Information, (iii) delete your Personal Information, and (iv) opt you out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Information. You also have a right against discrimination for exercising any of these rights, which AGSK Services Private Limited is committed to upholding and honoring at all times. If you would like to opt out of AGSK Services Private Limited’s disclosures, sharing, and sales of your Personal Information and cross-context behavioral advertising, you may do so as outlined in AGSK Services Private Limited’s U.S. State Consumer Rights Portal. Please note that this feature is currently only available for U.S. state residents (i.e., CA, CO, CT, FL, OR, TX, UT, VA). If you would like to effectuate additional consumer rights, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. 5.2.2 Summary of Consumer Requests This is a summary of the requests that AGSK Services Private Limited received and honored from California residents in the last calendar year. 5.2.3 Categories of Data that AGSK Services Private Limited Holds about You As mentioned above, AGSK Services Private Limited maintains data about you in only pseudonymized form, which means that we do not know your identity because we do not process your name, email address, or other identifiable information. Instead, we only process digital identifiers such as cookie IDs, IP addresses, mobile advertising IDs on your device, AGSK Services Private Limited network browsing history and associated preferences, and in some limited circumstances, your hashed email address. 5.2.4 Why AGSK Services Private Limited Collects your Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited processes your Personal Information in order to provide personalized content and advertisements to you. 5.2.5 Where AGSK Services Private Limited Collects Your Personal Information We automatically collect User Information when Users interact with our Services that appear on our Customers’ websites and digital properties. Like most other web-based services, we collect this User Information through cookies and other technologies. We may also obtain Information about you from our data partners. AGSK Services Private Limited collects Information either directly from you during your use of our Sites and Services or from third parties that independently collect this Information from you, and we may combine the Information that we collect from these various sources. For more information about these collection methods, please see Sections 2.1 and 3.1 above. 5.2.6 How AGSK Services Private Limited Shares Your Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited may disclose or make available your pseudonymous Personal Information to our trusted partners. In most cases when we do so, we have contractually restricted their uses of this data for only AGSK Services Private Limited’s business purposes. Under the CCPA, such disclosures of Personal Information to service providers are not deemed to be a “sale” and thus are not prohibited after you exercise your right to cease or restrict disclosures or sales of your Personal Information to third parties. In any instances where we have not entered into a service provider relationship with such third parties, we will stop sharing your Personal Information when you instruct us not to “sell” or share your Personal Information. 5.3 Notice to Individuals in the States of Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Virginia 5.3.1 Your Rights to Your Personal Information Residents of Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Virginia have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with information on/access to the Personal Information that we may hold about you, (ii) correct your Personal Information, (iii) delete your Personal Information, (iv) provide you a copy of your Personal Information, and (v) opt-out of targeted advertising or the sale of your Personal Information. AGSK Services Private Limited does not profile in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects. You also have a right against discrimination for exercising any of these rights, which AGSK Services Private Limited is committed to upholding and honoring at all times. If you would like to opt out of AGSK Services Private Limited’s disclosures, sharing, and sales of your Personal Information and targeted advertising, you may do so as outlined in AGSK Services Private Limited’s U.S. State Consumer Rights Portal. Please note that this feature is currently only available for U.S. state residents (i.e., CA, CO, CT, FL, OR, TX, UT, VA). If you would like to effectuate additional consumer rights requests, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. 5.3.2 Categories of Data that AGSK Services Private Limited Holds about You As mentioned above, AGSK Services Private Limited maintains data about you in only pseudonymized form, which means that we do not know your identity because we do not process your name, email address, or other identifiable information. Instead, we only process digital identifiers such as cookie IDs, IP addresses, mobile advertising IDs on your device, AGSK Services Private Limited network browsing history and associated preferences, and in some limited circumstances, your hashed email address. 5.3.3 Why AGSK Services Private Limited Collects your Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited processes your Personal Information in order to provide personalized content and advertisements to you. 5.3.4 Where AGSK Services Private Limited Collects Your Personal Information We automatically collect User Information when Users interact with our Services that appear on our Customers’ websites and digital properties. Like most other web-based services, we collect this User Information through cookies and other technologies. We may also obtain Information about you from our data partners. AGSK Services Private Limited collects Information either directly from you during your use of our Sites and Services or from third parties that independently collect this Information from you, and we may combine the Information that we collect from these various sources. For more information about these collection methods, please see Sections 2.1 and 3.1 above. 5.3.5 How AGSK Services Private Limited Shares Your Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited may disclose or make available your pseudonymous Personal Information to our trusted partners. In most cases when we do so, we have contractually restricted their uses of this data for only AGSK Services Private Limited’s business purposes. Such disclosures of Personal Information to service providers are not deemed to be a “sale” and thus are not prohibited after you exercise your right to cease or restrict disclosures or sales of your Personal Information to third parties. In any instances where we have not entered into a service provider relationship with such third parties, we will stop sharing your Personal Information when you instruct us not to “sell” or share your Personal Information. 5.4 Notice to Individuals in Thailand 5.6.1 Data Controller If you reside in Thailand, AGSK Services Private Limited (Thailand) Limited will be the controller of your Personal Data provided to, collected by or for, or processed by AGSK Services Private Limited in connection with our Services. 5.6.2 Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data If you are a Customer, Site Visitor, or User from Thailand, our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Data described above (also referred to in this Section 5.3 as “Thailand Data”) will depend on the Personal Data concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect Personal Data from you only (i) where we have your consent to do so, (ii) where we need the Personal Data to perform a contract with you, or (iii) where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect Personal Data from you or may otherwise need the Personal Data to protect your vital interests or those of another person. If we ask you to provide Personal Data to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your Personal Data is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your Personal Data). Similarly, if we collect and use your Personal Data in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are. 5.6.3 Your Rights to Your Information You have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with access to the Personal Data we hold about you, (ii) export your Personal Data, (iii) delete your Personal Data, and (iv) cease or restrict processing of your Personal Data. If you are a User and would like to understand what Personal Data and behavioural information AGSK Services Private Limited holds about you, specifically, and how you can exercise any of your rights with respect to your Personal Data, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. Customers may also submit a data subject access request by emailing us at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com so that AGSK Services Private Limited may either respond with the relevant information or, if applicable, direct this request to, and cooperate with, your employer to respond. If you have any questions about our collection and use of your Personal Data, please first contact us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you are unable to obtain the information or resolution that you seek, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.6.4 Thailand Data Transfers AGSK Services Private Limited transfers data outside of Thailand. AGSK Services Private Limited has in place an Inter Group Data Transfer Agreement across its international entities, which is based on the EEA’s standard model clauses. As part of AGSK Services Private Limited’s global operations, our data flows between Thailand, the EEA, the United States, Israel, and Hong Kong. To ensure that Thailand Data is adequately protected when transferred outside of Thailand, the Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2562 mandates that such transfers take place using certain legal mechanisms. When transferring Thailand data elsewhere, AGSK Services Private Limited relies on Standard Contractual Clauses, set forth by the European Commission, that outline contractual privacy and security commitments between companies that transfer personal data (for example, from AGSK Services Private Limited (Thailand) Limited to AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc.). AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc. and its Affiliates have accordingly adopted Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure the legality, privacy, and security of the data flows necessary to provide, maintain, and develop our services. Note: AGSK Services Private Limited currently stores Customer, User, and Visitor Information in our data centers located in the United States and Israel. 5.5 Notice to Individuals in Brazil 5.7.1 Data Controller If you reside in the Federative Republic of Brazil (“Brazil”), AGSK Services Private Limited Brasil Internet Ltda. will be the controller of your Personal Data provided to, collected by or for, or processed by AGSK Services Private Limited in connection with our Services.  5.7.2 Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data If you are a Customer, Site Visitor, or User from Brazil, under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados federal law 13,709/2018 (the “LGPD”), our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Data described above (also referred to in this Section 5.4 as “Brazil Data”) will depend on the Personal Data concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect Personal Data from you only (i) where we have your consent to do so, (ii) where we need the Personal Data to perform a contract with you, or (iii) where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect Personal Data from you or may otherwise need the Personal Data to protect your vital interests or those of another person. If we ask you to provide Personal Data to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your Personal Data is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your Personal Data). Similarly, if we collect and use your Personal Data in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), a notice will be provided to you in our disclosure statement. If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your Personal Data, including if you would like to better understand how our legitimate interests to process your data are balanced against your data protection rights and freedoms, please contact us as specified in Section 6 below. 5.7.3 Your Rights to Your Personal Data You have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data, (ii) provide you with access to the Personal Data we hold about you, (iii) disclose the public and private entities with which we have shared use of your Personal Data, (iv) correct your Personal Data, (v) export your Personal Data, for your own use or use by another controller (vi) anonymize, block, or delete any unnecessary or excessive data, (vii) delete all your Personal Data, and (vii) cease or restrict processing of your Personal Data. If you are a User and would like to understand what Personal Data and behavioral information AGSK Services Private Limited holds about you, specifically, and how you can exercise any of your rights with respect to your Personal Data, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. Customers may also submit a data subject access request by emailing us at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com so that AGSK Services Private Limited may either respond with the relevant information or, if applicable, direct this request to, and cooperate with, your employer to respond. Brazilian data subjects can file a complaint in relation to the LGPD with Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority (the “ANPD”). In the meantime, if you have any questions about our collection and use of your Personal Data, please first contact us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you are unable to obtain the information or resolution that you seek, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.7.4. Brazil Data Transfers AGSK Services Private Limited transfers data outside Brazil. As part of AGSK Services Private Limited’s global operations, our data flows between Brazil, the EEA, the United States, Israel, and Hong Kong. To ensure that Brazil Data is adequately protected when transferred outside Brazil, the LGPD mandates that such transfers take place using certain legal mechanisms. AGSK Services Private Limited has in place an Inter Group Data Transfer Agreement across its international entities, which is based on the EEA’s standard model clauses, and which may be updated upon further guidance from the future ANPD. Note: AGSK Services Private Limited currently stores Customer, User, and Visitor Information in our data centers located in the United States and Israel. 5.6 Notice to Individuals within the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) 5.8.1 Processing Entity and Designated Office If you reside in the PRC, AGSK Services Private Limited Information Technology Shanghai Co. Ltd. will be the processing entity of your Personal Information provided to, collected by or for, or processed by AGSK Services Private Limited in connection with our Services. Our designated office is located at Room 501i, Unit 501, 5F, No. 61 on East 3rd Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, and AGSK Services Private Limited Information Technology Shanghai Co. Ltd. can be contacted at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.8.2 Legal Basis for Processing Personal Information If you are a Customer, Site Visitor, or User from the PRC, our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Information described above (also referred to in this Section 5.5 as “PRC Data”) will depend on the Personal Information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect Personal Information from you only (i) where we have your consent to do so, (ii) where we need the Personal Information to perform a contract with you, or (iii) where the processing is reasonable to support news reporting or the public interest. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect Personal Information from you or may otherwise need the Personal Information to protect your vital interests or those of another person. If we ask you to provide Personal Information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your Personal Information is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your Personal Information). If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your Personal Information, please contact us as specified in Section 6 below. 5.8.3 Your Rights to Your Information You have the right to know about and make decisions about the processing of your Personal Information — this includes the right to restrict or refuse the processing of your Personal Information. You also have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with access to consult or copy the Personal Information we hold about you, (ii) correct or supplement your Personal Information, (iii) transfer or export your Personal Information, (iv) delete your Personal Information, and (v) cease or restrict processing of your Personal Information. If you are a User and would like to understand what Personal Information and behavioural information AGSK Services Private Limited holds about you, specifically, and how you can exercise any of your rights with respect to your Personal Information, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. Customers may also submit a data subject access request by emailing us at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com so that AGSK Services Private Limited may either respond with the relevant information or, if applicable, direct this request to, and cooperate with, your employer to respond. You have the right to complain to the relevant department performing duties of Personal Information protection. However, if you have any questions about our collection and use of your Personal Information, please first contact us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you are unable to obtain the information or resolution that you seek, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.8.4 PRC Data Transfers To provide AGSK Services Private Limited’s Services, Personal Information about individuals in the PRC is collected by a server in Hong Kong, and our data then flows between Hong Kong, Israel, the EEA, the UK, the United States, and Singapore. AGSK Services Private Limited does not store any Personal Information in the PRC, and instead stores Customer, User, and Visitor information in our data centers located in Israel and the United States. When AGSK Services Private Limited transfers Personal Information about individuals in the PRC to AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd. in Israel, it relies (as applicable) on standard contractual clauses as set forth by the European Commission. In particular, non-PRC AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates, like AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc. in the United States, have accordingly adopted Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure the legality, privacy, and security of the data flows necessary to provide, maintain, and develop our services. 6. Data Broker Requirements THE ENTITY MAINTAINING THIS WEBSITE IS A DATA BROKER UNDER TEXAS LAW. TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN TEXAS, A DATA BROKER MUST REGISTER WITH THE TEXAS SECRETARY OF STATE (TEXAS SOS). INFORMATION ABOUT DATA BROKER REGISTRANTS IS AVAILABLE ON THE TEXAS SOS WEBSITE. The entity maintaining this website is a data broker under Texas law. To conduct business in Texas, a data broker must register with the Texas Secretary of State (Texas SOS). Information about data broker registrants is available on the Texas SOS website. 7. Contact Us If you have questions about the privacy aspects of our Sites or Services, please contact us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you wish to receive this policy in an alternative format, please contact privacy@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. The names and contact details of our Affiliates which may process your Personal Information in their capacity as data controllers, can be found here: www.AGSK Services Private Limited.com/contact. Residents in Brazil, China, the European Economic Area (including the United Kingdom) and Thailand, if you wish to escalate your inquiry after contacting the support team, you are welcome to contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 8. Changes to This Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy is current as of the Effective Date set forth above. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, so please be sure to check back periodically. We will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on our Sites. If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy that materially affect our practices with regard to the Information we have previously collected from you, we will endeavor to provide you with notice in advance of such change by highlighting the change on our Sites. We will seek your prior consent to any material changes, if and where this is required by applicable data protection laws. Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Terms and Conditions AGSK Services Private Limited PRIVACY POLICY Last Update: July 3rd, 2024 For AGSK Services Private Limited’s opt-out status options, please click here. For AGSK Services Private Limited’s region-specific notices, please visit the applicable notice for individuals in Brazil, California and additional U.S. states, Europe (including the United Kingdom), China, or Thailand. Privacy Self-Regulation: AGSK Services Private Limited is dedicated to providing Internet users the highest level of transparency and control over the use of their data in online advertising. In support of this, we adhere to the: Self-Regulatory Principles set forth by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), the Digital Advertising Alliance Canada (DAAC), and the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA); Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA), the IAB Europe OBA Framework. AGSK Services Private Limited participates in the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework and complies with its Specifications and Policies as vendor number 42; and the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) Code of Conduct for Web and Mobile. AGSK Services Private Limited is a proud member of the NAI, an association dedicated to responsible data collection use in digital advertising. AGSK Services Private Limited also maintains an externally-facing Trust Center, which is available for your reference. To update your AdChoices Opt Out settings, select your region here: US, Canada, or Europe (including the United Kingdom); and to manage all NAI member sites’ settings, click here. Privacy Policy: AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc., together with its Affiliates, (“AGSK Services Private Limited”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), recognize the importance of your privacy. In this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) we describe how we collect, process, use, and disclose information that we obtain through the following contexts: our website, www.AGSK Services Private Limited.com and any AGSK Services Private Limited website displaying this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Sites”); our content-discovery platforms, feeds, widgets, analytics tools, and other technical applications that we provide on third-party websites (collectively, the “Content Discovery Platform”); and the AGSK Services Private Limited News suite of content-discovery tools available on mobile devices and operating systems (including the Start line of products, collectively “AGSK Services Private Limited News”) (together with the Content Discovery Platform, the “Services”). When you visit the Sites, or use or interact with any of our Services, we will collect information from or about you or your device, which may include personal information or personal data as defined by applicable privacy laws (“Personal Information” or “Personal Data“) (collectively, the “Information”), and this Information will be handled as described in this Privacy Policy. We may use Information collected through the Sites and Services in various ways, depending on whether you are: (i) a publisher, advertiser, or other content provider that has a contractual relationship, with AGSK Services Private Limited (a “Customer“); (ii) a visitor to our Customers’ websites and digital properties who interacts with our Services (a “User“); or (iii) a visitor to the AGSK Services Private Limited Sites (a “Site Visitor“), which may include Customers and prospective customers. Therefore, this Privacy Policy outlines specific provisions for each of these categories in Sections 1 – 3, and outlines provisions that apply to all three categories in Section 4 below. For more information about how we use cookies on the Sites and when providing our Services, please refer to our Cookie Policy. 1. Customers 1.1 Information We Collect from Customers (“Customer Information”) We collect Customer Information directly from our Customers in the following ways: Sites: We will collect a Customer’s contact details when a Customer enters a contractual relationship with AGSK Services Private Limited and we will collect a username and password when a Customer creates an account on any of our Sites. When a Customer sends us an email asking a question, or signs up to receive our email newsletters, we will collect the Information that the Customer submits to us. We will also collect other Information that Customers choose to provide to us, such as the contents of a message or form that a Customer submits through our Sites or via email. We may also collect Information from prospective customers through publicly-available sources. Services: When a Customer signs up to use our Services or uses AGSK Services Private Limited’s analytics dashboard “AGSK Services Private Limited Ads,” we collect Information such as the Customer’s name, email address, telephone number, payment card information, billing information, and any other Information the Customer may choose to provide to us on the platform. We may also work with third party vendors to process payments to or from our Customers on our behalf. These vendors currently include Stripe and Payoneer, but are subject to change at any time. We do not have access to the Information that you provide to these third parties, and we encourage you to visit their privacy policies to understand their practices. 1.2 Why We Use Customer Information We use Customer Information for the following purposes: Providing our Services. We use Customer Information to provide our Sites and Services and for other customer service purposes in relation to Customer accounts. Communicating with you about your AGSK Services Private Limited Partnership. We use Customer Information to communicate, via email or otherwise, about Customers’ accounts; to contact Customers about AGSK Services Private Limited’s products or services that we think may interest you; to respond to Customer inquiries, requests, or complaints; and to provide Customers with product updates, news, best practices, and other helpful or interesting information that can enhance your use of AGSK Services Private Limited’s Services, in accordance with their communications preferences. When we communicate in this way, our emails may deploy a cookie that tracks when the emails are opened to measure Customer engagement. For more information about cookies, please see our Cookie Policy. Marketing and advertising. We use Customer Information to provide Customers with newsletters, special offers, and promotions, including via email; and for other marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes, including general updates about AGSK Services Private Limited. These communications will be sent in accordance with our Customers’ communications preferences. 1.3 To Whom We Disclose Customer Information We may disclose Customer Information as follows: AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates. We may disclose Customer Information to any of AGSK Services Private Limited’s current or future affiliates (affiliates are companies controlling, controlled by, or under common control with us, including, for example, AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd., AGSK Services Private Limited Europe Limited, AGSK Services Private Limited (Thailand) Limited, and AGSK Services Private Limited Brasil Internet Ltda., referred to herein as “Affiliates”), parent companies, or subsidiaries to process for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. AGSK Services Private Limited service providers. We may disclose Customer Information to vendors, service providers, agents, contractors, or others who perform functions (e.g., maintenance, data analysis, customer relationship management, email marketing, surveys, credit card processing, data hosting, fraud detection) on our behalf. Customers. We may disclose Customer Information to other Customers where relevant to the Service we provide. For example, we may provide publishers with information about what advertisers may appear on their network or advertisers with information about which publisher websites their campaigns have appeared on. 1.4 Customer Choices Customers may access, correct, delete, or update the Information that they have provided to us by either updating the Information in their account, by emailing their dedicated account manager, or by emailing us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. We may send periodic promotional or informational emails to Customers in accordance with their communications preferences. At any time, Customers may opt out of such communications by following the opt-out instructions contained in the email. Please note that it may take up to ten (10) business days for us to process opt-out requests. If you opt out of receiving marketing and advertising emails from AGSK Services Private Limited, we will still send you emails about your account and any Services that you have requested or received from us. 2. Users 2.1 Information We Collect from Users (“User Information”) We automatically collect User Information when Users interact with our Services that appear on our Customers’ websites and digital properties. Like most other web-based services, we collect this User Information through cookies and other technologies. AGSK Services Private Limited collects only pseudonymized data, which means we do not know who you are because we do not know or process your name, email address, or other identifiable data. User Information that we collect includes, but is not limited to the following: Content Discovery Platform: We collect Information about a User’s device and operating system, IP address, the web pages accessed by Users within our Customers’ websites, the link that led a User to a Customer’s website, the dates and times a User accesses a Customers’ website, event information (e.g., system crashes), Information about the interactions with advertisements and Customers’ Services (e.g., availability, visibility, and clicks), general location information (e.g., city and state), hashed email addresses (when made available by the User), and gender (when made available by the User). We ask our Customers to obtain consent on our behalf, where required by applicable data protection laws, for us to collect this User Information. We may also obtain Information about you from our data partners. AGSK Services Private Limited News: We collect in-app User behaviors (e.g. online status, browsing activity, and clicks) and implicit non-precise device location inferred from search queries (when enabled by the User) and SIM cards or IP addresses. For more information about how we use cookies and other technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy. 2.2 Why We Use User Information We use User Information for the following purposes: Providing and Improving our Service. We may use User Information to provide and improve our Services to Users and our Customers. Tailoring content. We may use User Information to tailor the content and information that we may send or display to Users; to retarget content to Users through our Services and elsewhere; and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using our Services. For more information about how we tailor our content see information below about our Interest Based Advertising. Tailoring content across multiple devices. We may use User Information to improve a unique User’s experience across multiple browsers and devices (such as smartphones, tablets, or other viewing devices) by providing better targeted ad campaigns to that User. For instance, should we recognize a User on a web browser, we may want to provide that User similar or personalized content on mobile apps, as well. To do this, we identify unique Users across devices, or we may sync cookies and identifiers with our service providers or Customers that do this, to help our Customers enhance their own data and data segments, or to help them target the right audience. Offering our Customers data segments that help target content and advertisements for topics, products, and services that may interest you. A data segment is a grouping of users who share one or more attributes (e.g., travel enthusiasts). We offer a number of data segments, both proprietary and from our data partners, to our Customers so that they may better target Users who are more likely to be interested in their content and advertisements. AGSK Services Private Limited does not knowingly create segments that are based upon what we consider to be sensitive information (for example, Personal Data revealing your racial or ethnic origin or your religious affiliations, or Personal Data concerning your sensitive health information, sex life or sexual orientation, or genetic or biometric data). In connection with our Services, our Customers may use these standard health-related segments about non-sensitive conditions such as an inferred interest in health and wellness or over the counter medications. In addition, AGSK Services Private Limited offers our Customers standard political-related segments that may indicate general political sentiment, interest in specific political issues, and political party affiliation. 2.3 To Whom We Disclose User Information We may disclose User Information as follows: AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates. We may disclose User Information to any current or future Affiliates, parent companies, or subsidiaries to process for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. AGSK Services Private Limited service providers. We may disclose User Information to vendors, service providers, agents, contractors, or others who perform functions (e.g., maintenance, data analysis, customer relationship management, email marketing, surveys, credit card processing, data hosting, or fraud detection) on our behalf. Unaffiliated third parties. We may disclose User Information to other unaffiliated third parties, specifically with (i) our data partners, so that we can connect you with relevant content by allowing our advertisers to target specific audience segments, and (ii) our programmatic demand and supply partners, so that we can serve you with tailored advertisements. Customers. We may disclose User Information to Customers where relevant to the Service we provide those Customers. For example, we may provide publishers with information about the viewing and click-through patterns of the content they publish and may provide advertisers with information about conversion rates for analytics purposes. 2.4 User Choices You have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited provide you with access to the Personal Data we hold about you, correct your Personal Data, delete your Personal Data, and cease or restrict processing of your Personal Data, and opt-out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Data. Please visit our Global AGSK Services Private Limited Data Subject Access Request Portal available here. To opt out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Data, please click the U.S. State Consumer Rights Portal available here. 2.5 Interest-Based Advertising Through our Services, including our Services on Customer websites, we may provide advertisements to you based on your recent browsing behavior across different Customer websites, browsers, or devices. For example, if on a first online visit, you browse on website A, then on a subsequent visit to website B, you may see content personalized based on your browsing history on website A. For example, if a user visits a clothing retail site, she might see clothing-related ads on another site she visits. In order to target advertisements to you for products and services that may interest you, we may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), HTML5 local storage, and other technologies. For more information about how we use these technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy. We may also work with third parties such as ad networks, which are third parties that display advertisements based on your visits to websites that you have visited in the past. These advertisers will deliver you targeted advertisements for products and services that may interest you. Third-party ad networks, our advertiser Customers (and their content providers and agents), and/or traffic measurement services may also use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), Flash LSOs, and other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you. These third-party cookies and other technologies are governed by each third party’s specific privacy policy, not this one. If you have questions about our collection and use of data for interest-based advertising purposes, please contact us at: support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 2.6 Opting Out AGSK Services Private Limited supports initiatives to offer our Users greater transparency and control over the uses of their Information. Therefore, we offer the following options for controlling the interest-based content and ads you receive. If you do not want to receive interest-based ads from AGSK Services Private Limited, you can disable the display of such ads by clicking on the opt-out link below. Please note that an opt out will not prevent you from seeing AGSK Services Private Limited’s content recommendations. Rather, the opt out will prevent AGSK Services Private Limited from using your Information to tailor these recommendations to your interests. You will continue to receive recommendations that are selected based on the particular website that you are viewing (i.e., contextually based ads). You are currently: Not Opted Out Opt Out  oNot Opted Out: AGSK Services Private Limited will serve you personalized recommendations based on your history. oOpted Out: You have opted out of tracking, AGSK Services Private Limited will no longer serve you with personalized content recommendations based on your Internet use history. Because our tracking mechanisms operate at the device and browser level, to fully opt-out across devices, you will need to do so on each device and browser individually. If your browsers are configured to reject cookies, your opt-out may not be effective, since we identify your choice to opt-out based on an opt-out cookie we deliver to you. In this case, you will need to confirm that your browser is configured properly in order for the opt-out to be effective. If you are using a Safari browser on iOS11 or macOS High Sierra, you must first adjust your Privacy and Security Settings to turn off both “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” and “Block All Cookies”, and then return to this privacy policy or your preferred opt out platform to reset your opt out preferences. AGSK Services Private Limited may use non-cookie technologies in limited cases. Like cookies, these technologies allow AGSK Services Private Limited to recommend ads that are tailored to your interests and to remember whether you have chosen to opt-out from our Services. Please note that some web browsers may not permit you to block the use of non-cookie technologies, but you can do so by simply clicking on the Opt Out feature above in this Section 2.6. You can also opt-out of receiving targeted ads served by AGSK Services Private Limited and other advertising companies. oYou may use the NAI opt out tool, which will allow you to opt out of receiving targeted ads from AGSK Services Private Limited and from other NAI-approved member companies. The NAI also provides instructions to engage system-level mobile device opt outs in Android, iOS, and Windows Phone environments. oYou may also visit one of the Digital Advertising Alliance affiliate websites to learn more about User choices and opting out of interest-based advertising displayed by the many member companies. Users in the United States may visit the DAA consumer choice page at www.aboutads.info/choices Users in Canada may visit the DAAC consumer choice page at www.youradchoices.ca/choices Users in Europe (including the United Kingdom) may visit the EDAA consumer choice page at www.youronlinechoices.eu oYou can also opt out of the use of your email address for targeted ads through Audience Matched Advertising or AMA by AGSK Services Private Limited and other advertising companies through the NAI Audience Matched Advertising Opt Out (Beta). Please note that an opt out from one or more companies listed on the DAA, DAAC, or EDAA consumer choice pages will not prevent you from seeing those companies’ advertisements. Rather, the opt out will prevent these companies from using your Information to display targeted content or ads to you. You may continue to receive advertisements that are selected based on the particular website that you are viewing (i.e., contextually based ads). Also, if your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you visit the DAA, DAAC or EDAA consumer choice pages, your opt out may not be effective because your browser will refuse opt-out cookies (that alert companies that you have exercised your opt-out preference). 2.7 Data Retention We retain User Information, which is directly collected for purposes of serving ads, for at most thirteen (13) months from the User’s last interaction with our Services (often for a shorter period of time), after which time we de-identify the data by removing unique identifiers or aggregating the data. We retain deidentified or aggregated data, which cannot identify an individual or device and is used for purposes of reporting and analysis, for as long as commercially necessary. We keep opt-out information for longer than this period so that we can continue to honor your opt-out requests. 2.8 Children We do not knowingly collect any data or target any advertisements on websites directed to children under the age of sixteen (16). If you are the parent or guardian of a child under the age of sixteen (16) and have a concern regarding the Information we collect, please contact us at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 3. Site Visitors 3.1 Information We Collect from Site Visitors AGSK Services Private Limited collects Site Visitor Information either directly from you or from third parties that collect this Information during your use of our Sites. We may combine all the Information that we collect from various sources. Information we collect directly from you. We may collect Site Visitor Information directly from you. For example, when you send us an email asking a question, or submit a form on our Sites to receive marketing materials or email newsletters, we will collect the Information that you submit to us. We may also collect any other Information that you choose to provide to us, such as the contents of a message that you submit through our Sites. Information we collect from third parties. We may collect Site Visitor Information about you from third parties that collect information on our behalf through your use of the Site, such as web analytics companies. Such information may include, without limitation, information about your operating system, IP address, settings and system configurations, device model, device ID and other unique device identifiers, mobile related information, the web pages you access within our Sites, the website that led you to our Sites, the website to which you go after leaving our Sites, the dates and times that you access our Sites, event information (e.g., system crashes) and web log data. For more information about how we use cookies and other technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy. 3.2 Why We Use Site Visitor Information We use your Site Visitor Information for the following purposes: Providing our Service. We use Site Visitor Information to provide and manage our Sites and Services. Tailoring content. We use Site Visitor Information to tailor the content and information that we send or display to you on our Sites, and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using our Sites. Communicating with you. We use Site Visitor Information to communicate with you, including via email, about our Services; to respond to your inquiries via our website request forms; and to answer any questions or complaints you submit; to provide you with news, best practices or other information that we think may interest you. Marketing and advertising. We use Site Visitor Information to provide you with newsletters, special offers, and promotions, including via email; to contact you about products or services we think may interest you; and for other marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes. These communications will be sent in accordance with your communications preferences. Analyzing use of our Sites. We use Site Visitor Information to better understand how individuals access and use our Sites, both on an aggregated and individualized basis; to honor their requests and preferences; and for other research, analytical or statistical purposes. 3.3 To Whom We Disclose Site Visitor Information We may disclose Site Visitor Information as follows: AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates. We may disclose Site Visitor Information to any current or future Affiliates, parent companies, or subsidiaries to process for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. AGSK Services Private Limited service providers. We may disclose Site Visitor Information to vendors, service providers, agents, contractors, or others who perform functions (e.g., maintenance, data analysis, customer relationship management, email marketing, surveys, credit card processing, data hosting, fraud detection) on our behalf. 3.4 Third-Party Online Advertising To understand your interests and deliver advertisements that are tailored to your interests, we may work with service providers or third parties that use their own cookies, web beacons, and other technologies to collect Information about Site Visitors’ online activities, either on our Sites and/or other websites across the Internet  (“AGSK Services Private Limited Ad Partners”). These AGSK Services Private Limited Ad Partners include advertisers and ad networks that may collect Information about when you view or interact with one of their advertisements and may collect information regarding your activities on our Sites and your online activities over time and across different websites. Like most advertisers, AGSK Services Private Limited works to place our advertisements where we think they will be most interesting and relevant to the recipient. One way we do this is by allowing ad networks to place their own cookies when an individual visits our Sites. This enables the ad network to recognize individuals who have previously visited the AGSK Services Private Limited Sites. Then, if the ad network has purchased ad space on a third-party website, and recognizes that same individual visiting that third-party website, the ad network can deliver a AGSK Services Private Limited advertisement, knowing that this individual has already expressed interest in AGSK Services Private Limited by visiting the AGSK Services Private Limited Sites. To learn more about third parties who collect Site Visitor Information, please review our Cookie Policy. 3.5 Site Visitor Choices Site Visitors may opt out of the AGSK Services Private Limited Ad Partners that collect information on the Sites to serve ads about AGSK Services Private Limited. (Some U.S. Site Visitors may exercise their options directly with AGSK Services Private Limited, as outlined below in Section 5.2.1 and Section 5.3.1). By visiting one of the Digital Advertising Alliance affiliate websites, you can learn more about User choices and opting out of interest-based advertising displayed by the many member companies. Users in the United States may visit the DAA consumer choice page at www.aboutads.info/choices Users in Canada may visit the DAAC consumer choice page at www.youradchoices.ca/choices Users in Europe (including the United Kingdom) may visit the EDAA consumer choice page at www.youronlinechoices.eu Please note that an opt out from one or more companies listed on the DAA, DAAC, or EDAA consumer choice pages will not prevent you from seeing those companies’ advertisements. Rather, the opt out will prevent these companies from using your Information to display targeted content or ads to you. You may continue to receive advertisements that are selected based on the particular website that you are viewing (i.e., contextually based ads). Also, if your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you visit the DAA, DAAC or EDAA consumer choice pages, your opt out may not be effective because your browser will refuse opt-out cookies (that alert companies that you have exercised your opt-out preference). For Site Visitors who have subscribed to receive emails from us, you can manage your subscription by clicking your unique link that appears at the bottom of each of these emails. 4. General Provisions Applicable to Customers, Users, and Site Visitors 4.1 Why We Use Your Information We use the Information that we collect from Customers, Users, and Site Visitors for the purposes respectively set forth in Sections 1-3 above, as well as for the following purposes: Analyzing use of our Services. We use the Information that we collect to better understand how Customers, Users, and Site Visitors access and use our Site and Services, both on an aggregated and individualized basis; to respond to Customers’, Users’, and Site Visitors’ requests and preferences; and for other research, analytical, and statistical purposes. Legal compliance. We use the Information that we collect to comply with applicable legal obligations, including requests from law enforcement or other governmental entities. Protecting our rights and interests. We use the Information that we collect to protect our rights and interests and the rights and interests of our Customers, Users, Site Visitors, and the general public, as well as to enforce this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. 4.2 Disclosing Your Information When we share your Information with third parties as specified above, we require such recipients to agree to only use the Information we share with them in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our contractual specifications and for no other purpose than those determined by us in line with this Privacy Policy. In addition to the disclosures detailed above, we may also disclose Information for the following purposes: Business transfers. We reserve the right to disclose and/or transfer Information to another entity if we are acquired by or merged with another company, if we sell or transfer a business unit or assets to another company, if we undergo a bankruptcy proceeding, or if we engage in any other similar business transfer. Legal compliance. We may disclose Information in order to comply with the law, regulation, a judicial proceeding, subpoena, court order, or other legal process. Protecting rights and interests. We may disclose Information where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person, violations of our Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy, or as evidence in litigation in which we are involved. Aggregate and de-identified Information. We may disclose to our Customers and other third parties aggregated or de-identified information about users for marketing, advertising, research, or other purposes. 4.3 Cookies and Other Tracking Mechanisms For more information about how we use cookies and other tracking mechanisms on the Sites and when providing our Services, please refer to our Cookie Policy. You may disable certain tracking as discussed in our Cookie Policy (e.g., by disabling cookies). 4.4 Third-Party Links Our Sites and Services may contain links to our third-party partners’ websites. Any access to and use of such linked websites is not governed by this Privacy Policy but instead is governed by the privacy policies of those third-party websites. We are not responsible for the information security nor privacy practices of such third-party websites. For example, our Sites include features from third-party social networking platforms, such as the Facebook “Like” button. These features may collect certain information, such as your IP address or the page you are visiting on our Sites, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or directly on our Sites. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing such features. As another example, our Services link to Customer websites, which are also not governed by this Privacy Policy but by the applicable Customers’ privacy policy. 4.5 Security We value the security of your Information, including, but not limited to, the Information collected via the Sites or Services. AGSK Services Private Limited is ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 certified and we have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the Information we collect about you from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, destruction, and any other form of unauthorized processing. Please be aware, however, that no data security measures can guarantee 100% security. 4.6 International Data Transfers We may transfer your Information outside the country in which it is collected, including to a country that may not offer the same level of protection for Information as the country in which you reside. Rest assured, however, that AGSK Services Private Limited has arranged all contractual safeguards to ensure your Information is processed in a way that offers an adequate level of protection when it is shared between or among AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates, subsidiaries, and/or parent companies. If you would like to learn more about EEA/UK Data Transfers, specifically, see Section 5.1.4 below. If you would like to learn more about Thailand Data Transfers, specifically, see Section 5.3.4 below. 5. Regional Privacy Rights 5.1 Notice to Individuals within the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or United Kingdom ("UK") 5.1.1 Data Controller and Representative If you reside in the EEA or UK, AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd. will be the controller of your Personal Data provided to, collected by or for, or processed by AGSK Services Private Limited in connection with our Services. AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd. can be contacted at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. Our representative in the European Union is Lionheart Squared (Europe) Ltd., 2 Pembroke House, Upper Pembroke Street 28-32, Dublin, D02 EK84 Ireland. Our representative in the UK is AGSK Services Private Limited Europe Limited, Aldgate House, 2nd Floor, 33 Aldgate High Street, London EC3N 1DL, United Kingdom. 5.1.2 Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data If you are a Customer, Site Visitor, or User from the EEA or UK, our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Data described above (also referred to in this Section 5.1 as “EEA/UK Data”) will depend on the Personal Data concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect Personal Data from you only (i) where we have your consent to do so, (ii) where we need the Personal Data to perform a contract with you, or (iii) where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect Personal Data from you or may otherwise need the Personal Data to protect your vital interests or those of another person. If we ask you to provide Personal Data to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your Personal Data is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your Personal Data). Similarly, if we collect and use your Personal Data in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are. If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your Personal Data, including if you would like to better understand how our legitimate interests to process your data are balanced against your data protection rights and freedoms, please contact us as specified in Section 6 below. 5.1.3 Your Rights to Your Information You have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with access to the Personal Data we hold about you, (ii) correct your Personal Data, (iii) export your Personal Data, (iv) delete your Personal Data, and (v) cease or restrict processing of your Personal Data. If you are a User and would like to understand what Personal Data and behavioral information AGSK Services Private Limited holds about you, specifically, and how you can exercise any of your rights with respect to your Personal Data, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. Customers may also submit a data subject access request by emailing us at privacy@AGSK Services Private Limited.com so that AGSK Services Private Limited may either respond with the relevant information or, if applicable, direct this request to, and cooperate with, your employer to respond. You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your Personal Data. To learn more, please contact your local data protection authority, via the contact methods available here. However, if you have any questions about our collection and use of your Personal Data, please first contact us at privacy@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you are unable to obtain the information or resolution that you seek, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.1.4 EEA/UK Data Transfers As part of AGSK Services Private Limited’s global operations, our data flows among the EEA, the UK, Israel, the United States, Singapore and Hong Kong, and AGSK Services Private Limited stores Customer, User, and Visitor information in our data centers located in Israel and the United States. When AGSK Services Private Limited transfers EEA/UK Data to AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd. in Israel, it relies (as applicable) on (i) the European Commission’s decision, and (ii) UK adequacy regulations that Israel provides a level of data protection that is adequate for EEA/UK Data. These allow the free transfer of EEA/UK Data to Israel without the need for additional data transfer mechanisms. Similarly, when AGSK Services Private Limited transfers any personal data from the EEA to AGSK Services Private Limited Europe Limited in the United Kingdom, it relies on the European Commission’s decision that the UK provides a level of data protection that is adequate for personal data from the EEA. Beyond that, when AGSK Services Private Limited transfers EEA/UK Data to other countries then, if those countries do not have a European Commission adequacy finding and are not the subject of UK adequacy regulations (as applicable), AGSK Services Private Limited implements Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission and/or competent UK authorities (as applicable) to protect the transferred data. The Standard Contractual Clauses are contractual privacy and security commitments that are entered between companies that transfer personal data outside of the EEA. In particular, non-EEA/UK AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates, like AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc. in the United States, have accordingly adopted Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure the legality, privacy, and security of the data flows necessary to provide, maintain, and develop our services. 5.2 Notice to Individuals in the State of California 5.2.1 Your Rights to Your Personal Information California residents have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with what Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited has collected about you, including the categories of Personal Information, the categories of sources from which the Personal Information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for collecting, selling, or sharing Personal Information, the categories of third parties to whom AGSK Services Private Limited discloses Personal Information, and the specific pieces of Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited has collected about you, (ii) correct your Personal Information, (iii) delete your Personal Information, and (iv) opt you out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Information. You also have a right against discrimination for exercising any of these rights, which AGSK Services Private Limited is committed to upholding and honoring at all times. If you would like to opt out of AGSK Services Private Limited’s disclosures, sharing, and sales of your Personal Information and cross-context behavioral advertising, you may do so as outlined in AGSK Services Private Limited’s U.S. State Consumer Rights Portal. Please note that this feature is currently only available for U.S. state residents (i.e., CA, CO, CT, FL, OR, TX, UT, VA). If you would like to effectuate additional consumer rights, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. 5.2.2 Summary of Consumer Requests This is a summary of the requests that AGSK Services Private Limited received and honored from California residents in the last calendar year. 5.2.3 Categories of Data that AGSK Services Private Limited Holds about You As mentioned above, AGSK Services Private Limited maintains data about you in only pseudonymized form, which means that we do not know your identity because we do not process your name, email address, or other identifiable information. Instead, we only process digital identifiers such as cookie IDs, IP addresses, mobile advertising IDs on your device, AGSK Services Private Limited network browsing history and associated preferences, and in some limited circumstances, your hashed email address. 5.2.4 Why AGSK Services Private Limited Collects your Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited processes your Personal Information in order to provide personalized content and advertisements to you. 5.2.5 Where AGSK Services Private Limited Collects Your Personal Information We automatically collect User Information when Users interact with our Services that appear on our Customers’ websites and digital properties. Like most other web-based services, we collect this User Information through cookies and other technologies. We may also obtain Information about you from our data partners. AGSK Services Private Limited collects Information either directly from you during your use of our Sites and Services or from third parties that independently collect this Information from you, and we may combine the Information that we collect from these various sources. For more information about these collection methods, please see Sections 2.1 and 3.1 above. 5.2.6 How AGSK Services Private Limited Shares Your Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited may disclose or make available your pseudonymous Personal Information to our trusted partners. In most cases when we do so, we have contractually restricted their uses of this data for only AGSK Services Private Limited’s business purposes. Under the CCPA, such disclosures of Personal Information to service providers are not deemed to be a “sale” and thus are not prohibited after you exercise your right to cease or restrict disclosures or sales of your Personal Information to third parties. In any instances where we have not entered into a service provider relationship with such third parties, we will stop sharing your Personal Information when you instruct us not to “sell” or share your Personal Information. 5.3 Notice to Individuals in the States of Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Virginia 5.3.1 Your Rights to Your Personal Information Residents of Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Virginia have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with information on/access to the Personal Information that we may hold about you, (ii) correct your Personal Information, (iii) delete your Personal Information, (iv) provide you a copy of your Personal Information, and (v) opt-out of targeted advertising or the sale of your Personal Information. AGSK Services Private Limited does not profile in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects. You also have a right against discrimination for exercising any of these rights, which AGSK Services Private Limited is committed to upholding and honoring at all times. If you would like to opt out of AGSK Services Private Limited’s disclosures, sharing, and sales of your Personal Information and targeted advertising, you may do so as outlined in AGSK Services Private Limited’s U.S. State Consumer Rights Portal. Please note that this feature is currently only available for U.S. state residents (i.e., CA, CO, CT, FL, OR, TX, UT, VA). If you would like to effectuate additional consumer rights requests, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. 5.3.2 Categories of Data that AGSK Services Private Limited Holds about You As mentioned above, AGSK Services Private Limited maintains data about you in only pseudonymized form, which means that we do not know your identity because we do not process your name, email address, or other identifiable information. Instead, we only process digital identifiers such as cookie IDs, IP addresses, mobile advertising IDs on your device, AGSK Services Private Limited network browsing history and associated preferences, and in some limited circumstances, your hashed email address. 5.3.3 Why AGSK Services Private Limited Collects your Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited processes your Personal Information in order to provide personalized content and advertisements to you. 5.3.4 Where AGSK Services Private Limited Collects Your Personal Information We automatically collect User Information when Users interact with our Services that appear on our Customers’ websites and digital properties. Like most other web-based services, we collect this User Information through cookies and other technologies. We may also obtain Information about you from our data partners. AGSK Services Private Limited collects Information either directly from you during your use of our Sites and Services or from third parties that independently collect this Information from you, and we may combine the Information that we collect from these various sources. For more information about these collection methods, please see Sections 2.1 and 3.1 above. 5.3.5 How AGSK Services Private Limited Shares Your Personal Information AGSK Services Private Limited may disclose or make available your pseudonymous Personal Information to our trusted partners. In most cases when we do so, we have contractually restricted their uses of this data for only AGSK Services Private Limited’s business purposes. Such disclosures of Personal Information to service providers are not deemed to be a “sale” and thus are not prohibited after you exercise your right to cease or restrict disclosures or sales of your Personal Information to third parties. In any instances where we have not entered into a service provider relationship with such third parties, we will stop sharing your Personal Information when you instruct us not to “sell” or share your Personal Information. 5.4 Notice to Individuals in Thailand 5.6.1 Data Controller If you reside in Thailand, AGSK Services Private Limited (Thailand) Limited will be the controller of your Personal Data provided to, collected by or for, or processed by AGSK Services Private Limited in connection with our Services. 5.6.2 Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data If you are a Customer, Site Visitor, or User from Thailand, our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Data described above (also referred to in this Section 5.3 as “Thailand Data”) will depend on the Personal Data concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect Personal Data from you only (i) where we have your consent to do so, (ii) where we need the Personal Data to perform a contract with you, or (iii) where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect Personal Data from you or may otherwise need the Personal Data to protect your vital interests or those of another person. If we ask you to provide Personal Data to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your Personal Data is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your Personal Data). Similarly, if we collect and use your Personal Data in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are. 5.6.3 Your Rights to Your Information You have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with access to the Personal Data we hold about you, (ii) export your Personal Data, (iii) delete your Personal Data, and (iv) cease or restrict processing of your Personal Data. If you are a User and would like to understand what Personal Data and behavioural information AGSK Services Private Limited holds about you, specifically, and how you can exercise any of your rights with respect to your Personal Data, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. Customers may also submit a data subject access request by emailing us at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com so that AGSK Services Private Limited may either respond with the relevant information or, if applicable, direct this request to, and cooperate with, your employer to respond. If you have any questions about our collection and use of your Personal Data, please first contact us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you are unable to obtain the information or resolution that you seek, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.6.4 Thailand Data Transfers AGSK Services Private Limited transfers data outside of Thailand. AGSK Services Private Limited has in place an Inter Group Data Transfer Agreement across its international entities, which is based on the EEA’s standard model clauses. As part of AGSK Services Private Limited’s global operations, our data flows between Thailand, the EEA, the United States, Israel, and Hong Kong. To ensure that Thailand Data is adequately protected when transferred outside of Thailand, the Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2562 mandates that such transfers take place using certain legal mechanisms. When transferring Thailand data elsewhere, AGSK Services Private Limited relies on Standard Contractual Clauses, set forth by the European Commission, that outline contractual privacy and security commitments between companies that transfer personal data (for example, from AGSK Services Private Limited (Thailand) Limited to AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc.). AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc. and its Affiliates have accordingly adopted Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure the legality, privacy, and security of the data flows necessary to provide, maintain, and develop our services. Note: AGSK Services Private Limited currently stores Customer, User, and Visitor Information in our data centers located in the United States and Israel. 5.5 Notice to Individuals in Brazil 5.7.1 Data Controller If you reside in the Federative Republic of Brazil (“Brazil”), AGSK Services Private Limited Brasil Internet Ltda. will be the controller of your Personal Data provided to, collected by or for, or processed by AGSK Services Private Limited in connection with our Services.  5.7.2 Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data If you are a Customer, Site Visitor, or User from Brazil, under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados federal law 13,709/2018 (the “LGPD”), our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Data described above (also referred to in this Section 5.4 as “Brazil Data”) will depend on the Personal Data concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect Personal Data from you only (i) where we have your consent to do so, (ii) where we need the Personal Data to perform a contract with you, or (iii) where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect Personal Data from you or may otherwise need the Personal Data to protect your vital interests or those of another person. If we ask you to provide Personal Data to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your Personal Data is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your Personal Data). Similarly, if we collect and use your Personal Data in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), a notice will be provided to you in our disclosure statement. If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your Personal Data, including if you would like to better understand how our legitimate interests to process your data are balanced against your data protection rights and freedoms, please contact us as specified in Section 6 below. 5.7.3 Your Rights to Your Personal Data You have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data, (ii) provide you with access to the Personal Data we hold about you, (iii) disclose the public and private entities with which we have shared use of your Personal Data, (iv) correct your Personal Data, (v) export your Personal Data, for your own use or use by another controller (vi) anonymize, block, or delete any unnecessary or excessive data, (vii) delete all your Personal Data, and (vii) cease or restrict processing of your Personal Data. If you are a User and would like to understand what Personal Data and behavioral information AGSK Services Private Limited holds about you, specifically, and how you can exercise any of your rights with respect to your Personal Data, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. Customers may also submit a data subject access request by emailing us at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com so that AGSK Services Private Limited may either respond with the relevant information or, if applicable, direct this request to, and cooperate with, your employer to respond. Brazilian data subjects can file a complaint in relation to the LGPD with Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority (the “ANPD”). In the meantime, if you have any questions about our collection and use of your Personal Data, please first contact us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you are unable to obtain the information or resolution that you seek, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.7.4. Brazil Data Transfers AGSK Services Private Limited transfers data outside Brazil. As part of AGSK Services Private Limited’s global operations, our data flows between Brazil, the EEA, the United States, Israel, and Hong Kong. To ensure that Brazil Data is adequately protected when transferred outside Brazil, the LGPD mandates that such transfers take place using certain legal mechanisms. AGSK Services Private Limited has in place an Inter Group Data Transfer Agreement across its international entities, which is based on the EEA’s standard model clauses, and which may be updated upon further guidance from the future ANPD. Note: AGSK Services Private Limited currently stores Customer, User, and Visitor Information in our data centers located in the United States and Israel. 5.6 Notice to Individuals within the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) 5.8.1 Processing Entity and Designated Office If you reside in the PRC, AGSK Services Private Limited Information Technology Shanghai Co. Ltd. will be the processing entity of your Personal Information provided to, collected by or for, or processed by AGSK Services Private Limited in connection with our Services. Our designated office is located at Room 501i, Unit 501, 5F, No. 61 on East 3rd Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, and AGSK Services Private Limited Information Technology Shanghai Co. Ltd. can be contacted at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.8.2 Legal Basis for Processing Personal Information If you are a Customer, Site Visitor, or User from the PRC, our legal basis for collecting and using the Personal Information described above (also referred to in this Section 5.5 as “PRC Data”) will depend on the Personal Information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. However, we will normally collect Personal Information from you only (i) where we have your consent to do so, (ii) where we need the Personal Information to perform a contract with you, or (iii) where the processing is reasonable to support news reporting or the public interest. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect Personal Information from you or may otherwise need the Personal Information to protect your vital interests or those of another person. If we ask you to provide Personal Information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your Personal Information is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your Personal Information). If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your Personal Information, please contact us as specified in Section 6 below. 5.8.3 Your Rights to Your Information You have the right to know about and make decisions about the processing of your Personal Information — this includes the right to restrict or refuse the processing of your Personal Information. You also have the right to request that AGSK Services Private Limited (i) provide you with access to consult or copy the Personal Information we hold about you, (ii) correct or supplement your Personal Information, (iii) transfer or export your Personal Information, (iv) delete your Personal Information, and (v) cease or restrict processing of your Personal Information. If you are a User and would like to understand what Personal Information and behavioural information AGSK Services Private Limited holds about you, specifically, and how you can exercise any of your rights with respect to your Personal Information, please visit AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Subject Access Request Portal. Customers may also submit a data subject access request by emailing us at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com so that AGSK Services Private Limited may either respond with the relevant information or, if applicable, direct this request to, and cooperate with, your employer to respond. You have the right to complain to the relevant department performing duties of Personal Information protection. However, if you have any questions about our collection and use of your Personal Information, please first contact us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you are unable to obtain the information or resolution that you seek, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 5.8.4 PRC Data Transfers To provide AGSK Services Private Limited’s Services, Personal Information about individuals in the PRC is collected by a server in Hong Kong, and our data then flows between Hong Kong, Israel, the EEA, the UK, the United States, and Singapore. AGSK Services Private Limited does not store any Personal Information in the PRC, and instead stores Customer, User, and Visitor information in our data centers located in Israel and the United States. When AGSK Services Private Limited transfers Personal Information about individuals in the PRC to AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd. in Israel, it relies (as applicable) on standard contractual clauses as set forth by the European Commission. In particular, non-PRC AGSK Services Private Limited Affiliates, like AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc. in the United States, have accordingly adopted Standard Contractual Clauses to ensure the legality, privacy, and security of the data flows necessary to provide, maintain, and develop our services. 6. Data Broker Requirements THE ENTITY MAINTAINING THIS WEBSITE IS A DATA BROKER UNDER TEXAS LAW. TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN TEXAS, A DATA BROKER MUST REGISTER WITH THE TEXAS SECRETARY OF STATE (TEXAS SOS). INFORMATION ABOUT DATA BROKER REGISTRANTS IS AVAILABLE ON THE TEXAS SOS WEBSITE. The entity maintaining this website is a data broker under Texas law. To conduct business in Texas, a data broker must register with the Texas Secretary of State (Texas SOS). Information about data broker registrants is available on the Texas SOS website. 7. Contact Us If you have questions about the privacy aspects of our Sites or Services, please contact us at support@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. If you wish to receive this policy in an alternative format, please contact privacy@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. The names and contact details of our Affiliates which may process your Personal Information in their capacity as data controllers, can be found here: www.AGSK Services Private Limited.com/contact. Residents in Brazil, China, the European Economic Area (including the United Kingdom) and Thailand, if you wish to escalate your inquiry after contacting the support team, you are welcome to contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@AGSK Services Private Limited.com. 8. Changes to This Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy is current as of the Effective Date set forth above. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, so please be sure to check back periodically. We will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on our Sites. If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy that materially affect our practices with regard to the Information we have previously collected from you, we will endeavor to provide you with notice in advance of such change by highlighting the change on our Sites. We will seek your prior consent to any material changes, if and where this is required by applicable data protection laws.
AGSK Services Private Limited TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR UNITED STATES TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO DISTRIBUTING CONTENT ON THE AGSK Services Private Limited NETWORK Pursuant to these Terms and Conditions to Distributing Content on the AGSK Services Private Limited Network (the “Terms”): (a) AGSK Services Private Limited.com Ltd. (“AGSK Services Private Limited”) shall distribute the Advertiser Content (defined below) via AGSK Services Private Limited’s content recommendation distribution platform (the “Platform”) on AGSK Services Private Limited owned or third party websites, digital properties , apps, utilities, platforms, operating systems, notifications or devices and partners with or on which AGSK Services Private Limited or its affiliates have a relationship (each, a “AGSK Services Private Limited Property” collectively the “AGSK Services Private Limited Network) in order to generate Impressions (as defined below) or drive traffic to Advertiser’s designated landing page URLs (the “Service”), and (b) Advertiser shall (i) provide AGSK Services Private Limited this content (e.g., landing page URLs, headlines, thumbnail images, or videos) or advertisements (the “Advertiser Content”) via AGSK Services Private Limited’s web-based campaigns submissions wizard (the “Wizard”) or AGSK Services Private Limited’s proprietary analytics dashboard (“the Analytics Dashboard”), and (ii) compensate AGSK Services Private Limited for the Service pursuant to the parameters agreed to by the parties. These Terms, along with AGSK Services Private Limited’s Advertising Policies (“AGSK Services Private Limited’s Advertising Policies”), located at www.AGSK Services Private Limited.com/advertising-policies, and AGSK Services Private Limited’s Data Use Policies, located at https://www.AGSK Services Private Limited.com/advertiser-data-use-policy, shall govern the relationship between Advertiser and AGSK Services Private Limited for any orders to run Advertiser Content on the AGSK Services Private Limited Network (each a “Campaign”) as authorized by Advertiser, whether such authorization is granted via the Wizard, subsequent insertion orders, email, the Analytics Dashboard, or otherwise, and they represent the parties’ common understanding for doing business (the “Agreement”). 1. Grant of Rights: 2. a.Advertiser grants AGSK Services Private Limited a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license to (i) access, index, host, compress (if applicable) and otherwise use the Advertiser Content and the Campaign details (e.g., Advertiser Content description, Advertiser’s landing page URLs, budget per Campaign period (the “Campaign Budget”), Campaign dates, Campaign key performance indicators, pricing information, and targeting and tracking information) (the “Campaign Details”) to recommend Advertiser Content the AGSK Services Private Limited Network until such time that the amount due to AGSK Services Private Limited for the distribution of such Campaign reaches the Campaign Budget set by Advertiser in the Wizard or any insertion order or in the Analytics Dashboard; (ii) use Advertiser Content, Advertiser’s name, logo, trademarks, and any other proprietary content provided by Advertiser (x) in connection with the recommendation of Advertiser Content and (y) for AGSK Services Private Limited’s own marketing purposes in referring to Advertiser as a client, and such use shall be subject to Advertiser’s standard trademark and content usage guidelines and quality review, if any, as provided to AGSK Services Private Limited; and (iii) share Campaign performance data captured by AGSK Services Private Limited’s tracking logs with the AGSK Services Private Limited Properties. b.AGSK Services Private Limited grants Advertiser a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, royalty-free right during the term to access and use the Analytics Dashboard solely for purposes of managing Advertiser’s Campaigns and reviewing the analytics associated with Advertiser’s Campaigns. Advertiser understands and agrees that Advertiser is solely responsible for its own actions in the Analytics Dashboard, if Advertiser chooses to use AGSK Services Private Limited’s Campaign Management feature, and Advertiser will keep its account passwords and login information confidential, and it will be responsible for all activity and payments owed under its account. AGSK Services Private Limited will not review Advertiser’s activity and AGSK Services Private Limited is not responsible or liable for (and will not grant any credits for) any mistakes made by Advertiser in the managing of its own Campaign. Advertiser acknowledges that any analytics provided in the Analytics Dashboard are estimates and will only be finalized fourteen (14) days after the conclusion of any calendar month in which a Campaign has run (each a “Campaign Month”). c.Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein, the grant of the foregoing licenses does not confer on either party any other proprietary rights, titles, and interests relating to patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade dresses, trade secrets, algorithms, know-how, mask works, droit moral (moral rights), and all similar rights of every type that may exist now or in the future in any jurisdiction, including, without limitation, all applications and registrations therefore and all rights to apply for any of the foregoing (the “Intellectual Property Rights”). 3.Advertiser’s Content: AGSK Services Private Limited reserves the right to (i) reject or remove any Advertiser Content, (ii) pause any Campaign, (iii) restrict Advertiser’s access to the Wizard or the Analytics Dashboard, or (iv) cap Advertiser’s Campaign Budget in any given Campaign Month. To the extent that Advertiser requests that AGSK Services Private Limited assist with the optimization of any of Advertiser’s Campaign titles and AGSK Services Private Limited agrees to do so, Advertiser (i) represents and warrants that it can substantiate any and all information that it has provided to AGSK Services Private Limited for use in the creation of such titles; (ii) shall be solely responsible for all claims made in such titles; and (iii) shall indemnify AGSK Services Private Limited for any Losses (as defined below) arising out of any such Campaign titles.2. Advertiser shall not attempt to gain access to the accounts of other AGSK Services Private Limited customers or to extract data from the Analytics Dashboard for commercial purposes. 4.Campaign Details: a.Payment: Before distributing Advertiser’s Content on the AGSK Services Private Limited Network, AGSK Services Private Limited may require a prepayment of the Campaign Budget a. for any Campaign Month (“Prepayment”) from Advertiser before distributing the Advertiser’s Content until such time that advertiser has established a credit history with AGSK Services Private Limited, which Prepayment shall be made via credit card through the Wizard. All payments made by credit card will incur a processing fee of 2.0% – 3.5% (region depending) per transaction, which will be reflected in the invoice. In the absence of a Prepayment, AGSK Services Private Limited will charge the credit card submitted by Advertiser via the Wizard once the Campaign spend reaches certain increments set by AGSK Services Private Limited. Any late payments will accrue interest equal to one-and-one-half percent (1.5%) per month, or the maximum amount allowable under law, whichever is less, compounded monthly. If Advertiser withdraws its credit card information prior to the end of its Campaign and does not replace it with a valid alternative method of payment, AGSK Services Private Limited reserves the right to, notwithstanding the withdrawal, charge the credit card for all Campaigns that were initiated prior to withdrawal (this includes the tail payment owed for the amount spend below the established increment). In addition to any other rights or remedies that AGSK Services Private Limited may have, Advertiser’s failure to pay any invoices as set forth herein may result in AGSK Services Private Limited cancelling or pausing Advertiser’s Campaigns. Further, if Advertiser fails to make any payment as set forth herein, Advertiser shall pay all reasonable expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by AGSK Services Private Limited in collecting such payments. Upon the conclusion of each calendar month that the Campaign is running on the AGSK Services Private Limited Network (each a “Campaign Month”), the Analytics Dashboard will provide Advertiser with details regarding the amount of Clicks on Advertiser’s Content and the amount of the Prepayment, if applicable, spent by Advertiser (based on the cost per click set by Advertiser in the Analytics Dashboard during the Campaign Month). Advertiser acknowledges that any analytics provided in the Analytics Dashboard are estimates, and will only be finalized after fourteen (14) days of the Campaign Month. For purposes of clarity, all payments shall be made in the currency designated by AGSK Services Private Limited, unless otherwise agreed to in a separate writing between the parties. i.For each Campaign, , the parties will agree to one of the following payment, except that only video Advertiser Content will be eligible to be paid on a CPM, vCPM, or CPCV model (each as hereinafter defined): (i) Cost per Click (“CPC”): Advertiser pays AGSK Services Private Limited each time a visitor to a AGSK Services Private Limited Property (a “Visitor”) clicks on Advertiser Content. A click will be counted each time a Visitor clicks on Advertiser Content as measured and reported in AGSK Services Private Limited’s tracking logs (the “Click”), which are available to Advertiser anytime on the Analytics Dashboard; (ii) Cost per Thousand Impressions (“CPM”): Advertiser pays AGSK Services Private Limited for each Advertiser Content impression and, in the case of video Advertiser Content, once a video ad has started to play (i.e., the first frame). An impression will be counted each time Advertiser Content is displayed on a AGSK Services Private Limited Property (the “Impression”); (iii) Cost per Thousand Viewable Impressions (“vCPM”): Advertiser pays AGSK Services Private Limited only for viewable Impressions and, in the case of video Advertiser Content, a video ad is deemed viewable when at least fifty percent (50%) of its pixels appear on-screen for at least two (2) consecutive seconds; and (iv) Costs per Completed View (“CPCV”): Advertiser pays AGSK Services Private Limited each time a Visitor views video Advertiser Content until Completion. Completion occurs when: (1) a Visitor views video Advertiser Content until the end of the video; (2) the video Advertiser Content runs for at least thirty (30) seconds; or (3) the Visitor clicks on the video Advertiser Content. CPCs, CPMs, CPCvs, vCPMs are dynamic (i.e. they might be adjusted in order to effectively compete for a particular ad placement). Except as otherwise set forth herein, all of the foregoing payment models are inclusive of all costs associated with running a Campaign on the AGSK Services Private Limited Network, including, without limitation, all data, tech, ad serving, brand safety, and auction costs. ii.AGSK Services Private Limited may at any time during the Term, in its sole discretion, grant Advertiser a credit line. If Advertiser is given a credit line, within fourteen (14) days of the conclusion of each Campaign Month AGSK Services Private Limited shall send Advertiser an invoice setting out the charges for such Campaign Month and the balance due. Any objection to any invoice shall be stated in writing to AGSK Services Private Limited within ten (10) days of receipt of the invoice, otherwise Advertiser waives such objections and such invoice will be deemed final, not subject to dispute, and accepted by Advertiser. Advertiser acknowledges that any analytics provided in the Analytics Dashboard or over email during the Campaign Month are estimates, and that each invoice shall reflect the final charges for each Campaign Month and the balance due. Advertiser shall pay each invoice within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of each Campaign Month. Any late payments will accrue interest equal to one-and-one-half percent (1.5%) per month, or the maximum amount allowable under law, whichever is less, compounded monthly. In addition to any other rights or remedies that AGSK Services Private Limited may have, Advertiser’s failure to pay any invoices as set forth herein may result in AGSK Services Private Limited cancelling or pausing Advertiser’s Campaigns. Further, if Advertiser fails to make any payment as set forth herein, Advertiser shall pay all reasonable expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by AGSK Services Private Limited in collecting such payments. If AGSK Services Private Limited agrees to a written request by an Advertiser to send an invoice to a third party on Advertiser’s behalf, Advertiser agrees to remain responsible and liable for payment, and if such third party does not pay the invoice within the thirty (30) day payment period, Advertiser shall immediately pay all such amounts to AGSK Services Private Limited. b.Invoice Taxes: AGSK Services Private Limited may charge any applicable national, state, or local sales or use taxes or value added taxes that AGSK Services Private Limited is legally obligated to charge (the “Taxes”). If applicable, Advertiser may provide AGSK Services Private Limited with an exemption certificate or equivalent information acceptable to the relevant taxing authority, in which case AGSK Services Private Limited will not charge or collect the Taxes covered by such certificate. In the event that any amount payable by Advertiser hereunder is subject to deduction or withholding for taxes, including value added taxes, the amount payable by Advertiser hereunder shall be increased such that the amount received by AGSK Services Private Limited equals the amount stated on the applicable invoice. Upon written request, AGSK Services Private Limited will provide Advertiser with any forms, documents, or certifications as may be required for Advertiser to satisfy any information reporting or withholding tax obligations with respect to any payments under this Agreement. If applicable, advertiser will be responsible for reporting relevant taxes, including value added taxes, in its place of residency. c.Video Bandwidth Fees: Impressions of any video Advertiser Content that is 6MB or larger, shall incur a “Video Bandwidth Fee”, at a rate equal to five cents per gigabyte served ($0.00005/MB). For example, if 1000 Impressions of an 8MB video Advertiser Content file were served hereunder, the Video Bandwidth Fee with respect that file would be $0.40 (i.e. 1000 Impressions * 8MB * $.00005). d.Data Fees: Advertiser may be given the ability to target its Advertiser Content to certain audiences on the AGSK Services Private Limited Network by using AGSK Services Private Limited-provided audience data segments based on inferred Visitor interests or demographics (“Data Segments”). If Data Segments are used, CPCs and invoices shall be inclusive of a “Data Fee.” Where Advertiser employs such Data Segments, the following restrictions shall apply: i.Advertiser shall not cache the Data Segments in a manner that would permit Advertiser to re-use them (or any functional equivalent or model of them); ii.Advertiser shall not resell the Data Segments; and iii.Advertiser shall not associate the Data Segments with any personal information, such as a first or last name, street address, email address, phone number, or other identifier of a natural person. iv.Advertiser shall not utilize the Data Segments in violation of any applicable law (including, if applicable, the Fair Lending Act). e.Campaign Information: Advertiser may change the Campaign Details for a particular month, a portion of a month, or on a going-forward basis at any time dashboard in the Analytics Dashboard. Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that AGSK Services Private Limited does not guarantee how often it will recommend any Advertiser Content or that the number of Clicks during any period will fully exhaust Advertiser’s Campaign Budget. For purposes of clarity, the Campaign Budget shall be in the currency designated by AGSK Services Private Limited, unless otherwise agreed to in a separate writing between the parties. f.Reporting: AGSK Services Private Limited’s measurements regarding Clicks are the definitive measurements under this Agreement and will be used to calculate the amounts due to AGSK Services Private Limited hereunder. 5.Campaign Management: Advertiser understands and agrees that Advertiser is responsible for its own actions in the Analytics Dashboard with respect to the Campaign. AGSK Services Private Limited will not review Advertiser’s activity and AGSK Services Private Limited is not responsible or liable for any mistakes made by Advertiser in the managing of its own Campaign. AGSK Services Private Limited reserves the right to restrict Advertiser’s ability to edit Campaign Details in the Analytics Dashboard for any reason or no reason. 6.Representations and Warranties: a. i.Each party hereto represents and warrants that it has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transaction contemplated herein and that the persons executing this Agreement on each party’s behalf have the authority to do so. The parties hereto agree to perform any and all lawful additional acts, including without limitation, execution of additional stipulations, agreements, documents, and instruments, as are reasonably necessary or as reasonably requested by any party hereto at any time to effectuate the intent of this Agreement, to satisfy the Terms contained herein, or to give full force and effect to this Agreement. ii.Advertiser Representations and Warranties: Advertiser represents and warrants that (i) it has all necessary rights, licenses, and clearances to enter into this Agreement, to grant the rights granted herein, and to use the Advertiser Content as specified herein, including, without limitation, the Intellectual Property Rights therein; (ii) its Advertiser Content and the content on Advertiser’s landing pages will not infringe upon the rights of any third party; (iii) it will comply with and ensure that its Advertiser Content and the content on Advertiser’s landing pages shall contain all disclosures required by the Federal Trade Commission’s (“FTC”) rules, regulations, guidelines, and other industry standards and practices; (iv) its Advertiser Content and the content on Advertiser’s landing pages will comply with AGSK Services Private Limited’s Advertising Policies, which may be updated from time to time; (v) it will comply with these Terms and Conditions, which may be updated from time to time; (vi) it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in its use of the Service , and including but not limited to economic sanctions and export control laws and regulations of the United States and, as applicable, other jurisdictions; (vii) to the extent that Advertiser utilizes Data Segments, Advertiser will comply with AGSK Services Private Limited’s Advertiser Data Use Policy; (viii) to the extent that Advertiser sends data to AGSK Services Private Limited for audience suppression or targeting purposes or to build custom look-a-like audiences for Advertiser, Advertiser’s collection of and instructions on how to use such data will comply with all applicable laws (including, if applicable, the Fair Lending Act), AGSK Services Private Limited’s Advertiser Data Use Policy, and disclosures made to Visitors ; (ix) it is not subject to nor owned or controlled by any person that is subject to sanctions or export control restrictions imposed pursuant to U.S. law or the laws of any other jurisdiction applicable to the performance of this Agreement; and (x) it will not take any action that could result in economic sanctions or other trade control restrictions or penalties being imposed on AGSK Services Private Limited. In addition, Advertiser represents that all of the business and payment information provided by it to AGSK Services Private Limited is true, correct, and accurate and that Advertiser is a valid business entity or individual and not a fictitious or nonexistent entity or individual. If Advertiser is a “doing business as” entity, Advertiser agrees that the business entity doing business as Advertiser under this Agreement shall be liable for all of Advertiser’s obligations hereunder and that the person executing this Agreement on behalf of Advertiser agrees to be personally bound to the terms of this paragraph and personally liable for any breach thereof. iii.AGSK Services Private Limited Representations and Warranties: AGSK Services Private Limited represents and warrants that it possesses all of the rights and authority necessary for it to enter into this Agreement and to grant the rights granted herein. THE FOREGOING REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES ARE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES MADE BY AGSK Services Private Limited. AGSK Services Private Limited PROVIDES THE SERVICE “AS IS” INCLUDING ANY DATA SEGMENTS OR AD PLACEMENT THAT COMPRISES THE SERVICE. AGSK Services Private Limited EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR, AS TO ANY DATA SEGMENTS PROVIDED, ACCURACY (INCLUDING GEO-LOCATION TARGETING), COMPLETENESS, OR CORRECTNESS. 7.Content and Data Ownership: a.Ownership of Content: As between the parties, AGSK Services Private Limited owns all Intellectual Property Rights in the Platform as well as the data that it collects, along with all technology, data, designs and know-how used to deploy it, and Advertiser owns all Intellectual Property Rights in the Advertiser Content and the content displayed on Advertiser’s landing pages. Advertiser is not required to provide any feedback or suggestions to AGSK Services Private Limited regarding the Service. To the extent Advertiser does provide any such feedback or suggestions for improvement, Advertiser hereby grants to AGSK Services Private Limited and its affiliates a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable, worldwide right and license to use, reproduce, disclose, sublicense, distribute, modify, and otherwise exploit all such feedback and suggestions in connection with the Service without restriction. b.Ownership of Data: Each party shall own all right, title and interest in and to all data (including all passively- collected or machine-readable data, such as data based on browser type and device identifiers) that is collected on or through such party’s servers or networks (as to each, “Collected Data”), and such ownership rights include (as to each party) the right to sublicense its respective Collected Data and to create derivative works or modeled data sets and analytics from such Collected Data. In the case of AGSK Services Private Limited, AGSK Services Private Limited’s Collected Data shall include, without limitation: information collected from Visitors when interacting with Advertiser Content or Advertiser’s websites (such as landing page or subsequent page visits or Clicks); IP addresses; browser and operating system information, and mobile device information, IDFAs, and Android Ad IDs (as applicable). The foregoing shall further include any reports created, compiled, analyzed, or derived by a party with respect to such data. AGSK Services Private Limited’s data collection practices are reflected in its privacy policy, which AGSK Services Private Limited recommends that Advertiser review from time to time. c.Data Restrictions: Notwithstanding the foregoing ownership provisions, AGSK Services Private Limited agrees to not disclose any Campaign-related data to any third party (except for the owners of the AGSK Services Private Limited Properties for reporting and analytic purposes) for any commercial purpose on a non-aggregated basis (i.e., in a way that refers specifically to Advertiser, the Campaign, or any Advertiser brand). Further, notwithstanding the foregoing ownership provisions, if Advertiser is using audience targeting, data marketplace audiences, or look-a-like targeting, Advertiser shall not use its Collected Data to reverse engineer, build or rebuild  any audiences based on audiences or Data Segments that are made available to Advertiser by AGSK Services Private Limited provided that Advertiser may use the Collected Data for purposes of campaign attribution and analytics, and/or performance metrics. d.AGSK Services Private Limited Pixels: Advertiser may place a AGSK Services Private Limited pixel(s) or other tracking technology, as mutually agreed to by the parties, (the “AGSK Services Private Limited Pixels”) on Advertiser’s landing pages. AGSK Services Private Limited may update, change, or substitute the AGSK Services Private Limited Pixel at any time in its reasonable discretion provided that it does not disrupt the functioning of Advertiser’s landing page and serves the same purpose. AGSK Services Private Limited will use such AGSK Services Private Limited Pixels for operational purposes such as to collect conversion data, perform platform analytics, integrate and link data (e.g., to enable Advertiser Content to be targeted in an optimal way), and otherwise optimize the manner in which it collects, segments, or targets the Advertiser Content. For avoidance of doubt, AGSK Services Private Limited may create derivative data products and data models (e.g., segmentation and optimization models) from these AGSK Services Private Limited Pixels, which it shall own, provided that all right, title, and interest in any Advertiser Content (in whole an in part) shall be and remain with Advertiser. 8.Data Protection: a.Privacy: The parties agree that the AGSK Services Private Limited Advertiser Privacy Terms located at https://www.agskspl.com/policies/media-privacy-addendum/privacy-terms-for-advertisers and as updated from time to time (the “Advertiser Privacy Terms”), are incorporated by this reference into these Terms. 9.Indemnification: a.Except for that which Advertiser indemnifies AGSK Services Private Limited, AGSK Services Private Limited shall indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless Advertiser and its parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and its and their representatives, officers, directors, agents, and employees, from and against any and all third party claims, damages, fines, penalties, awards, judgments, and liabilities (including reasonable outside attorneys’ fees and costs) (collectively, the “Losses”) resulting from, arising out of, or related to: (i) AGSK Services Private Limited’s breach or alleged breach of any of AGSK Services Private Limited’s representations or warranties set forth in Paragraph 5 or (ii) a claim that the Platform violates a third party trademark, trade secret, copyright, or privacy right, except to the extent that such claim arises out of the combination of the Platform with Advertiser Content or the content on Advertiser’s landing page. b.Advertiser shall indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless AGSK Services Private Limited, the owners of the AGSK Services Private Limited Properties, and its and their parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and its and their representatives, officers, directors, agents, and employees, from and against all Losses resulting from, arising out of, or related to (i) Advertiser’s breach or alleged breach of any of Advertiser’s representations, warranties, or agreements; (ii) a claim that Advertiser Content or content on Advertiser’s landing page infringes upon, violates, or misappropriates any third party Intellectual Property Rights, slanders, defames, or libels any person or entity, or does not comply with any applicable law or regulation; (iii) Advertiser’s failure to secure all rights, title, and interest necessary to display the Advertiser Content via the Platform; and (iv) an allegation that Advertiser, Advertiser’s Content, content on Advertiser’s landing page, or products or goods being advertised in the Advertiser Content violate any applicable law or regulation. c.The parties agree that in seeking any indemnification hereunder, the party seeking indemnification (the “Claimant”) shall (i) promptly notify the other party (the “Indemnifying Party”) in writing of the claim triggering the indemnification being sought; (ii) grant the Indemnifying Party sole control of the defense (except that the Claimant may, at its own expense, assist in the defense); and (iii) provide the Indemnifying Party, at the Indemnifying Party’s expense, with all assistance, information, and authority reasonably required for the defense of the claim. The Claimant will provide the Indemnifying Party with prompt notice of any claim (provided that the failure to promptly notify shall only relieve Indemnifying Party of its obligation to the extent it can demonstrate material prejudice from such failure) and, at the Indemnifying Party’s expense, provide assistance reasonably necessary to defend such claim. In no event shall the Indemnifying Party enter into any settlement or agree to any disposition of the indemnified claim(s) without the prior written consent of the Claimant, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. In addition, any legal counsel sought to be appointed to defend the indemnified claim(s) shall be subject to the prior written consent of the Claimant, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 10.Limitation of Liability: TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL AGSK Services Private Limited BE LIABLE TO ADVERTISER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. AGSK Services Private Limited’S TOTAL LIABILITY TO ADVERTISER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, FROM ALL CAUSES OF ACTION AND UNDER ALL THEORIES OF LIABILITY WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNTS ACTUALLY PAID OR ACCRUED BY ADVERTISER TO AGSK Services Private Limited UNDER THIS AGREEMENT DURING THE SIX (6) MONTHS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE INITIAL EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE LIABILITY. 11.Confidentiality: Each party shall disclose Confidential Information (as defined below) only to those of its representatives, officers, directors, agents, professional advisors, on-site contractors, and employees, and those of its parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, who (i) are bound by written restrictions on use and disclosure and other confidentiality protections and (ii) the party believes have a need to know such information as required for the performance of this Agreement or to enforce the terms of this Agreement. The foregoing obligations will not restrict either party from disclosing Confidential Information of the other party (a) to enforce the terms of this Agreement; (b) pursuant to a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction or subpoena, provided that the party required to make such a disclosure gives reasonable prior written notice to the other party so that it may contest such order or subpoena and, in the event that disclosure is required, only discloses the portion of Confidential Information that is legally required; or (c) pursuant to a regulatory investigation or enforcement. “Confidential Information” consists of (a) any technical information or plans concerning the Platform or any software or other technology of AGSK Services Private Limited; (b) any financial information of the other party; (c) other information disclosed by one party to the other party that is marked as confidential, or should reasonably be assumed to be confidential under the circumstances; and (d) the content of this Agreement. Confidential Information does not include information that: (a) is or becomes generally known to the public through no fault of or breach of the receiving party; (b) is rightfully known by the receiving party at the time of disclosure without an obligation of confidentiality; (c) is independently developed by the receiving party without use of the disclosing party’s Confidential Information; or (d) is obtained by the receiving party rightfully from a third party that has no duty of confidentiality to the disclosing party. 12.Availability of the Service: AGSK Services Private Limited makes no representations regarding the availability of the Service and Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that the Service may be unavailable from time to time due to (i) equipment, software, or service malfunctions; (ii) maintenance and update procedures or repairs; or (iii) causes beyond the control of AGSK Services Private Limited or its affiliates, including, without limitation, interruption or failure of telecommunication or digital transmission links, the unavailability, operation, or inaccessibility of websites or interfaces, network congestion, or other failures, and that AGSK Services Private Limited shall not be liable for any unavailability caused by any of the foregoing. In addition, Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that AGSK Services Private Limited and its affiliates have no responsibility or liability with respect to the operation of the AGSK Services Private Limited Properties. 13.Termination/Suspension: Advertiser or AGSK Services Private Limited may terminate this Agreement (a) for convenience on seven (7) days’ written notice at any time or (b) immediately in the event that the other party fails to remedy a material breach of this Agreement within forty-eight (48) hours of its receipt of written notice thereof. In addition, AGSK Services Private Limited may terminate this Agreement immediately, without notice, in the event that Advertiser fails to comply with AGSK Services Private Limited’s Advertising Policies. Advertiser may terminate any Campaign on twenty-four (24) hours’ written notice. AGSK Services Private Limited may terminate or suspend Advertiser’s access to or use of the Service or terminate this Agreement at any time if: (a) in the sole discretion of AGSK Services Private Limited, such action is necessary to prevent errors or harm to any system or network, or to limit AGSK Services Private Limited’s or its affiliates’ liability; or (b) Advertiser attempts to access or use the Service in an unauthorized manner, including, without limitation, any attempt to gain access to the accounts of other AGSK Services Private Limited customers or use the Service in a way that infringes upon AGSK Services Private Limited’s, its affiliates’ or a third party’s Intellectual Property Rights, or the use of automated systems or software to extract data from the Sites for commercial purposes (also known as screen scraping), unless where Advertiser has a written agreement with AGSK Services Private Limited particularly to this extent. In the event that Advertiser has made a Campaign Prepayment and AGSK Services Private Limited discovers that Advertiser has violated AGSK Services Private Limited’s Advertising Policies by using non-standard URL redirects to surreptitiously redirect Visitors to landing page content that (1) does not match the landing page content originally submitted for distribution through the Wizard or the Analytics Dashboard or (2) is not otherwise in compliance with AGSK Services Private Limited’s Advertising Policies as a result of “cloaking” or other techniques that hide the true destination landing page that a Visitor is directed to from Advertiser’s URLs, AGSK Services Private Limited shall be entitled to either charge the remaining amount of Advertiser’s spend to the credit card maintained on file or retain any campaign Prepayments made, in which case, AGSK Services Private Limited will not refund any such funds. For clarity, AGSK Services Private Limited shall be entitled to retain the Prepayment and will not refund any such funds in the event of such breach by Advertiser. 14.Choice of Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York excluding its conflicts of law principles. Any legal action or proceeding arising under this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the federal or state courts located in the County of New York, New York and the parties hereby irrevocably consent to personal jurisdiction and venue therein and waive any right to object to venue in, or to seek a transfer from, such court. The parties hereto each expressly agree not to commence or maintain any action in any other court or forum in any way relating to or arising out of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of Advertiser’s default of its obligations in Paragraph 4 above, AGSK Services Private Limited shall have the right, if it so chooses, to commence an action against Advertiser for such default in the appropriate court in the venue and jurisdiction in which Advertiser resides or maintains assets. 15.Successors and Assigns: This Agreement, including the rights and obligations of each party hereunder, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, acquirers, successors, and assigns. This Agreement and any rights or obligations hereunder shall not be assigned or delegated without the prior written consent of the other party and shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, except that: (a) either party may assign this Agreement to an acquirer of all or substantially all of such party’s assets, whether by merger, operation of law or otherwise, without the other party’s prior written consent, so long as the acquirer agrees in writing to pay in full any outstanding balance Advertiser owes to AGSK Services Private Limited under this Agreement ; and (b) AGSK Services Private Limited may assign this Agreement, without Advertiser’s consent, to its parent company or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. 16.Force Majeure: Neither Advertiser nor AGSK Services Private Limited will be liable for delay or default in the performance of its respective obligations under this Agreement if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, fire, flood, accident, earthquakes, telecommunications line failures, electrical outages, network failures, acts of God, or labor disputes. If Advertiser’s ability to transfer funds to third parties has been materially adversely affected by an event beyond Advertiser’s reasonable control, including, but not limited to, failure of banking clearing systems or a state of emergency, then Advertiser will make every reasonable effort to make payments on a timely basis to AGSK Services Private Limited, but any delays caused by such condition will be excused for the duration of such condition. Subject to the foregoing, such excuse for delay will not in any way relieve Advertiser from any of its obligations as to the amount of money that would have been due and paid without such condition. 17.Miscellaneous: This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive understanding and agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter herein and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, written or oral, relating to its subject matter. The failure of either party to enforce strict performance by the other party of any provision in this Agreement or to exercise any right under this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of that party’s right to do so at any later point. AGSK Services Private Limited may modify these at any time. No click-through, online, purchase order or other terms, entered into before or after the execution of this Agreement, will inform the interpretation of this Agreement, or be or remain binding on the parties, and they shall be void. Preprinted terms in Advertiser purchase orders or other customer-generated ordering documents, or terms referenced or linked within them, will have no effect on this Agreement and are hereby rejected, regardless of whether they are signed by AGSK Services Private Limited and/or purport to take precedence over this Agreement. In the event that any provision in this Agreement, including its Terms, as applied to any party or to any circumstance, shall be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void, unenforceable or inoperative as a matter of law, then the same shall in no way affect any other provision in this Insertion Order, including its Terms, the application of such provision in any other circumstance or with respect to any other party, or the validity or enforceability of this Agreement as a whole. Paragraphs 6, 8-10, 3-4, and 16 of these Terms shall survive termination of this Agreement. Electronic signatures on this Agreement shall be as effective and enforceable as originals. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument.
AGSK Services Private Limited COOKIE POLICY Last Update: November 5th, 2023 AGSK Services Private Limited, Inc. together with its Affiliates (“AGSK Services Private Limited”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) recognizes the importance of your privacy. In this cookie policy (“Cookie Policy”), we aim to inform you about the use of cookies, and other automated means of data collection (1) on our website www.agskspl.com,  and any other AGSK Services Private Limited digital properties displaying this Cookie Policy (collectively, the “Sites”) and (2) via our content discovery platform (the “Services”), which appears on the websites and digital properties of our publisher customers to redistribute their own content or recommend the content of our advertiser customers (collectively, the “Customers”). When we refer to “cookies” in this Cookie Policy, we mean both cookies and other automated means of data collection, as defined below. By visiting the Sites and interacting with or using the Sites, you expressly consent to the use of cookies as explained hereafter. We ask our Customers to obtain consent on our behalf, where required by applicable data protection laws, so that we may use cookies and other automated means of data collection on their digital properties. This Cookie Policy does not govern the use of the Sites, nor the processing of Information (as defined in our Privacy Policy) collected on the Sites. Please read our Terms of Use  for more information about the terms governing the Sites. For more information about how we process your Information on the Sites and when you make use of or interact with our Services, please consult our Privacy Policy. Please refer to the websites of our publisher Customers where we place our content discovery platform to learn more about how they may use cookies on their websites or platforms and process your Information that they may have collected.  1. Cookies and Other Automated Means of Data Collection This section provides more information about cookies and other automated means of data collection, and how they work. Cookies AGSK Services Private Limited places cookies on our Customers’ websites and digital properties and uses these cookies as set forth in this policy. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on the browser of the hard drive of your computer (or similar device) by websites that you visit. Most websites use cookies. Cookies are typically used in order to make websites function, or function more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the particular website. Cookies make your use of the Sites and Services more enjoyable and improve the functionality of the services we provide to you.  AGSK Services Private Limited also uses cookies to tailor content and information that we may send or display to you and otherwise personalize your experience while interacting with our Services.  For more information about relevant advertisements delivered by the Services, please read about our Interest Based Advertisements. Other Automated Means Our advertiser Customers may place AGSK Services Private Limited’s pixel tag on their websites. Pixel tags (also known as pixels, web beacons or clear GIFs) are typically transparent graphic images placed on a website. These pixel tags are used in combination with cookies to measure the actions of visitors to their websites. For example, we may use pixel tags to track conversions or to create a custom audience for our advertiser Customers to target on our network (i.e. retargeting).  For more information about how we may create a custom audience for our advertiser Customers to target on our network, please read about our Interest Based Advertisements. The specific cookies that we and our third-party partners use on the Sites and when providing our Services as set forth in section 3 below. 2. What Information Do We Collect? Cookies used on our Sites: The information we receive from our trusted business partners placing third-party cookies on our Sites may include, for example, information about your operating system, the web pages accessed within our Sites, the link that led you to our Sites, the dates and times you accessed our Sites, and event information (e.g. irregular system crashes).  We may also use third parties who collect Information about Site Visitors through their own cookies, web beacons, and other technologies regarding your online activities, either on our Sites and/or other websites across the Internet, in an effort to understand your interests and deliver you advertisements that are tailored to your interests. These third parties may include the attribution partners, fraud detection partners, analytics partners and product and functionality partners listed here.  For more information about how we may use third parties to deliver you advertisements that are tailored to your interests, please read about our Third Party Online Advertising Cookies used through our Services: The information that we collect via cookies may include, for example, information about your operating system, the web pages accessed within the websites of our Customers, the website that led you to our Customers’ websites, the dates and times you accessed our Customers’ websites or platforms, event information (e.g. irregular system crashes), and general location information (i.e. city). Where any of the above-mentioned information, alone or combined with other information, would constitute Personal Data or Personal Information under applicable laws, our Privacy Policy will apply to the processing of such information. 3. What Cookies Do We Use And Why? Helpful Definitions A cookie’s categorization — as a ‘first-party’ or ‘third-party’ cookie — depends on who hosts the cookie and where the cookie is placed. o“First-party cookies” are set by the website that the visitor is accessing at the time (e.g. cookies placed by AGSK Services Private Limited on www.agskspl.com). o“Third-party cookies” are set by a party that is not the owner of that website. A “browser session” begins when a visitor opens their Internet browser window, and it finishes when the visitor closes the browser window. “Session cookies” allow a website to temporarily link a visitor’s actions during a unique browser session. Once the visitor closes the browser, all session cookies are deleted. “Persistent cookies” remain on a visitor’s device for the duration specified in the cookie. First-Party Cookies Used on AGSK Services Private Limited’s Sites We use the information collected via first-party cookies on our Sites only in connection with our Services. We use the information to remember your information so that you do not need to re-enter it upon your next visit , to monitor how many visitors we have and understand how they engage with different web pages on our Sites, and to improve and manage our Sites. For these purposes, AGSK Services Private Limited may use the following categories of cookies: Strictly Necessary Cookies — These cookies are used for the sole purpose of (i) carrying out a communication over an electronic network, or (ii) providing services that you explicitly request. Functionality Cookies — These cookies allow the Sites to remember choices that you or your device have indicated (such as your user name, language, or region) and to provide enhanced, personalized features that improve your web experience. Performance (Analytics) Cookies — These cookies collect information about how visitors use the Sites, such as which pages they visit most often and whether they encountered any error messages. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a visitor; they only collect data points that are aggregated and therefore anonymous. These types of cookies are only used to improve the Sites’ performance. Advertising (Targeting) Cookies – These cookies are used to deliver advertisements that are particularly relevant to you, based on your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times that you see an advertisement and to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. You can find more information about the individual cookies used on our Sites, and the specific purposes for which these cookies are used, in the overview below: Cookie Category Cookie Name Purpose Strictly Necessary Cookies siteCountry Maintains a record of the user’s country for site speed performance. siteCountryCode Maintains a record of the user’s country code for site speed performance. siteState Maintains a record of the user’s US state for legal compliance purposes. siteLanguage Maintains a record of the user’s current language code for site speed performance. has_js Maintains a record of the browser’s capability to run JavaScript for site performance. siteCookiesConfirmation Provides a cookie message confirmation flag. DNS Maintains a record of a California user’s instruction not to sell or disclose their personal data to non-service providers. DNT Maintains a record of the user’s instruction to not make use of their personal data. tbp-consent Maintains a record of the user’s cookie consent collection. Functionality mysite_referrer Maintains referral information on any forms submitted through our sites. ta_user Indicates if the user had logged in to AGSK Services Private Limited Ads in the past Performance (Analytics) Cookies ufcStatus Describes if and when the user exposed to certain marketing activities ufcStatusSetSession Describes if and when the user exposed to certain marketing activities initialTrafficSource Saves the first traffic source that initially drove the user to AGSK Services Private Limited’s website utmzzses Saves the first traffic source that initially drove the user to AGSK Services Private Limited’s website lastTrafficSource Saves the last traffic source that drove the user to AGSK Services Private Limited’s website GA_Count_Countries__c Counts the number of different countries a certain user was browsing from GA_Last_Browser__c Saves the user’s browser name GA_Last_Device_Category__c Saves the user’s device type (Mobile/Desktop) GA_Last_Operating_System__c Saves the user’s operating system GA_Number_of_Events_Form_Engagement__c Counts the number of form interactions GA_Number_of_events_Website_Buttons__c Counts the number of button clicks GA_Number_of_Events_Youtube_Embedded__c Counts the number of embedded YouTube interactions GA_Number_of_Pages__c Counts the number of pageviews GA_Number_of_Sessions__c Counts the number of sessions previewsSiteCountryCode Saves the user’s previews country code in cases where there are visits from multiple countries for the same user GA_Last_Click_Medium__c Saves the user’s last traffic medium GA_Last_Click_Source__c Saves the user’s last traffic source Advertising (Targeting) Cookies _uetsid This is a cookie set by Microsoft Bing Ads and is used to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. _fbp This is a cookie set by Facebook and is used to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. _uetvid This is a cookie set by Microsoft Bing Ads and is used to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. Third-Party Cookies on AGSK Services Private Limited’s Sites We use the information collected via third-party cookies on our Sites to remember your information so that you do not need to re-enter it upon your next visit, to monitor how many visitors we have and understand how they engage with different web pages on our Sites, and to improve and manage our Sites. We may use third parties to track or analyze your activity on the Sites for these purposes, or to deliver you tailored advertisements about AGSK Services Private Limited’s Services. For more information about how these third parties may collect information about you and deliver you advertisements that are tailored to your interests, please read about our Third Party Online Advertising. For these purposes, our service providers may use the following categories of cookies on our Sites: Strictly Necessary Cookies — These cookies are used for the sole purpose of (i) carrying out a communication over an electronic network, or (ii) providing services that you explicitly request. Performance (Analytics) Cookies — These cookies collect information about how visitors use the Sites, such as which pages they visit most often and whether they encountered any error messages. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a visitor; they only collect data points that are aggregated and therefore anonymous. These types of cookies are only used to improve the Sites’ performance. Advertising (Targeting) Cookies — These cookies are used to deliver advertisements that are particularly relevant to you , based on your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times that you see an advertisement and to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. These cookies are placed by advertising networks with our permission. You can find more information about the third-party cookies used on our Sites, and the specific purposes for which these cookies are used, in the overview below: Cookie Category Third Party Name Cookie Name Purpose Strictly Necessary Cookies Google Tag Manager _dc_gtm_UA-10009552-10 Associated with sites that use Google Tag Manager to load other scripts and code to a page. HotJar _hjMinimizedPolls Set once a visitor minimizes a Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimized when the visitor navigates through your site WordPress Session SESSXXXXXXX Saves the WordPress site session ID Cloudflare _cfduid User session cookie for Cloudflare’s security purposes Performance (Analytics) Cookies Google Analytics _ga Distinguishes unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data for the Sites’ analytics reports. Google Universal Analytics _gat This cookie is used to throttle the request rate – limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites. Marketo _mkto_trk This tracking cookie allows a website to link visitor behavior to the recipient of an email marketing campaign, to measure campaign effectiveness. HotJar _hjIncludedInSample This session cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether a particular visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate sales funnels. Twitter personalization_id This is a cookie that is set by Twitter. It allows the visitor to share content from the website on his/her Twitter profile. Quora m-b These cookies are used by Quora integrations Functionality Cookies Laravel Site Session ID laravel_session This cookie identifies a session instance for a user Cloudflare __cf_bm This is a cookie set by Cloudflare to idetify end-user devices that access customer sites protected by Bot Management or Bot Fight Mode. Advertising (Targeting) Cookies DoubleClick (Google) _ar_v4 This cookie is associated with the DoubleClick advertising service from Google. Helps with tracking conversion rates for ads. Microsoft Bing Ads _uetvid This is a cookie set by Microsoft Bing Ads and is used to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. LinkedIn UserMatchHistory This cookie is used by LinkedIn to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisements based on the visitor’s preferences. Google IDE This cookie is used used to show Google ads on non-Google sites Twitter muc_ads This is a cookie that is set by Twitter. It is used for optimizing ad relevance by collecting visitor navigation data. Google NID This is a cookie that is set by Google to show Google ads in Google services for signed-out users. First-Party Cookies Used in AGSK Services Private Limited’s Services on Our Customers’ Websites We use information collected via cookies on our Customers’ websites to make the Services more enjoyable, to improve the functionality of the Services, and to tailor the content that we display to you. For more information about relevant advertisements delivered by the Services, please read about our Interest Based Advertisements. You can find more information about the individual first-party cookies used for our Services, and the specific purposes for which these cookies are used, in the overview below: Cookie Category Cookie Name Purpose Domain Expiry Strictly Necessary Cookies AGSK Services Private Limited_session_id Creates a temporary session ID to avoid the display of duplicate recommendations on the page. trc.AGSK Services Private Limited.com session Functionality Cookies AGSK Services Private Limited_select Maintains a record of whether the user performed an action in the “AGSK Services Private Limited Select” feature. AGSK Services Private Limited.com 1 year AGSK Services Private Limited_fp_td_user_id Indicates that the user clicked on an item that was recommended by AGSK Services Private Limited’s Services. This is used for reporting and analytics purposes. AGSK Services Private Limited.com 1 year t_gid Assigns a unique, partitioned User ID that AGSK Services Private Limited uses for attribution and reporting purposes, and to tailor recommendations to this specific user based on interactions with one advertiser or publisher. AGSK Services Private Limited.com 1 year t_pt_gid Assigns a unique User ID that AGSK Services Private Limited uses for attribution and reporting purposes, and to tailor recommendations to this specific user. Publisher or Advertiser Domain 1 year trc_cookie_storage Assigns a unique User ID that is used for attribution and reporting purposes. Publisher’s Domain 1 year _tb_sess_r Used on websites of our publisher Customers that utilize the AGSK Services Private Limited Newsroom services. It maintains a session reference about the user’s visit to this particular website. Publisher’s Domain 30 minutes _tb_t_ppg Used on websites of our publisher Customers that utilize the AGSK Services Private Limited Newsroom services. This cookie is used to identify the referring website (i.e. the website that the user visited prior to arriving at this publisher’s website). Publisher’s Domain 30 minutes Performance (Analytics) Cookies abLdr Supports routine technical and performance improvements for AGSK Services Private Limited’s browser-based Services. AGSK Services Private Limited.com 3 hours abMbl Supports routine technical and performance improvements for AGSK Services Private Limited’s mobile SDK Services. AGSK Services Private Limited.com 3 hours tb_click_param Used on websites of our publisher Customers that utilize the AGSK Services Private Limited Newsroom services. It measures performance of the publisher’s homepage articles that are clicked. Publisher’s Domain 50 seconds AGSK Services Private Limited global:last-external Used for attribution purposes to see what link or page led a user to the current page. Publisher or Advertiser Domain Local Storage (deleted when the user deletes it) global:last-external-referrer Used for attribution purposes to see what link or page led a user to the current page. Publisher or Advertiser Domain Local Storage (deleted when the user deletes it) 4. How To Manage Cookies Cookies used on our Sites: If you do not want our trusted business partners to place cookies on your device when browsing our Sites, you can adjust your browser settings to manage or reject cookies, or to notify you when a cookie is being placed in your Internet browser software. These settings are usually found in the ‘Options’ or ‘Preferences’ menu of your Internet browser. For more information on how to change your browser settings, click on the ‘Help’ section of your Internet browser. Modern Internet browsers also allow you to see what cookies are currently stored on your device and selectively delete them as you wish. Cookies used through our Services: If you do not want AGSK Services Private Limited to place cookies on your device when you interact with or use our Services in order to tailor content and information that we may send or display to you and otherwise personalize your experience while interacting with our Services, you can either adjust your browser settings (as explained above), or click the Opt-Out link in our Privacy Policy. By opting out you give us permission to clear all the cookies that we previously stored regarding your account and to set a new cookie that tells us that we should no longer track you. If you clear all cookies from your browser after you opt out, you will also be clearing the cookie that tells us that you have opted out, so you will need to re-enroll in our opt-out. Opting out only means that you we will no longer deliver targeted content and ads; it does not mean that you will no longer see our Services or contextual ads. 5. Changes and Updates We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time. We encourage you to periodically review this Cookie Policy to stay informed about our use of cookies, the information we collect via cookies, and any updates in relation thereto. We will post any changes to this Cookie Policy on our Site. If we make any changes to this Cookie Policy that significantly impact the way we use cookies, we will endeavor to provide you with notice in advance of such change by highlighting the change on our Site. Your continued use of the Site and the Services constitutes your agreement to this Cookie Policy and any updates. 6. Contact Us If you have questions about this Cookie Policy, please contact us at: AGSK Services Private Limited, 189/6, Boran Mohalla, Kaithal - 136027. Mob: +91-9812345680 Email: support@agskspl.com
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